My GH ANH Vader Helmet/ Striking Resemblance?


Well-Known Member
Thanks to Darth Phaeton's Referance Library (I highly recommend it) I was to merry up my GH Helmet that I bought from DCarty a few months back and after repainting it myself (Took forever!) I was able to get as close as I could to the above Pic. So what do ya think? C

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Nah... the gloss is fine... just you put your hands all over it and rub it with your shirt... that'll tone it down a bit. Also... an idea to tone down the silver and make it more worn is to give it a wash of thinned matt black and then wipe it off again before it dries completely - just don't wipe off too early or too late.

Though... I think you need a better picture of your helmet... it's very dark in places and the lighting throws off the shadows and makes it look kinda weird... and knowing how a GH looks... I know it doesn't look like what I'm seeing. Please don't take that the wrong way... but Vader helmets are notoriously difficult to photograph...
Thanks everyone for the Kind words and Comments. This will help me out alot. more pics to come. C
That looks great:thumbsup
I know what a pain it is to try and get the angles right to mimic a certain shot, I think you've done a good job. I look forward to seeing more pics.

