My first helmet (Iron Man)


Master Member
I've always stuck with my strengths in the past and therefore most, ok pretty much all, of my prop work has been on the computer screen. I've done a bunch of lightsbers, built a stormtrooper (though with a seasoned vet watching me to make sure I didn't screw up :) ) and even a a sith holocron. I've always questioned whether or not I could do much that wasn't on the computer. I saw the Iron Man helmet that Finhead was doing and figured for the price i'd take the chance and see what I could do.

Turns out I exceeded my expectations, though they probably weren't too high. The expectations were basicaly don't <bleep> it up. I has a couple shaky situations that had me worried - both basically ended up being 'don't use old spray paint!' - panicked, but took a step back when I panicked and returned to try and fix when I was calm(er). And in the end, I didn't <bleep> it up, but did pretty well IMHO. They only real blemish is he's got a bit of a mini-scar under his right eye. One shot makes it look obvious, but if you look at the 'on my workbench' shot, same angle but different, dimmer light, you can't see it. I didn't see it until I painted the mask gold and then figured i'd live with it as a bit of 'character' :)

I've got the eyes, just haven't put them in yet. Did a test with metal screens and another with white translucent plexi for the eye and i'll be going with the white plexi. Downer is it's hard as hell to cut.

Enough speech, on to the pic's!
Fantastic job!! I have an unfinished helmet (my first also) on the way. Could you tell me what paints you used?
Red was Testor's Ruby Red Metallic/Metal Flake. (The name on the can and the tag on the rack were different, but the number was the same. 1629 I think (wrapper came off the can). Saw it mentioned here in a thread and used it. Came out great. Love the flake look it gives which is hard to see in the photos. Gold was Krylon's gold metallic. The second can worked fantastic! DON'T use 6 year old Krylon Gold Metallic :) The black is a satin black from Kryon. I also used gray Krylon primer simply because I had it in the house. Worked fine other than when a can when kaput and stared spitting blobs.

Word of advice, test the can's PDQ. In a single day I got dud's 4x. 2x of primer were basically DOA on purchase from Hobby Lobby. Never thought about testing before because I never had an issue. I ran out of primer with about 2 sqaure inches left to prime. Went to Hobby Lobby and picked up another can, along with an extra can of Testor's because they're tiny can's and I wanted to make sure I had enough. Got home, and the primer died on my 2 square inch test piece. Dead dead. Just spotting putting out anything. The testor's sprayed like string cheese. Seriously. Took them back and got them replaced. Testor's was OK, Primer died in about 5 seconds in the parking lot (sprayed it on some wood chips in the landscaping because I didn't want to come back and they threated to charge you with vandalism if you test instore). Went back in and they're out of primer. Got my money back and went to another store - Michaels - about 1/2 a mile away. Found a can of primer and the rack there had tests from loads of paint. Went to test and DOA. Didn't get a single atom of air or paint out of it. Found another can and it was OK. (Tested it in the rack.) Also told the manager about the dead can of primer and the story. He said it must be a bad batch. Of primer? Maybe, but a dud Testor's can, too?

Anyhow. Morale of the story TEST THE CANS! :)

Careful where you spray the Testor's. I sprayed everything the same way. I had paper everywhere and i couldn't see anything on the paper after spraying the gold or primer. The smell only lasted an hour or two. The Testor's red? Wow! There was red mist on all the paper, a little off the paper (i had paper about 8 feet across) and the smell lasted about 2 days. I sprayed in the garage with the door semi open. When done, i left it full open. Just a warning since I know of someone who used to paint (at least sometimes) in his screened in porch.
Another tip: try not to buy paint at Hobby Lobby. Sometimes their inventory sits on the shelf for months and months because it's a low volume item.

Go for a hardware store or Wal-mart, their inventory turns over pretty regularly so it's always a fresh can of paint.

Helmet looks really fantastic.
That means a lot coming from the guy who does the best obi-saber weathering i've ever seen. Seriously, huge thanks for the compliment - big time :)

I've always been a Krylon person since my school days and that's about the only place to get it here it seems. All the hardware stores are rustoleum. In the future, though, i think i'll be going the auto-paint way. I never knew those places sold spray paint and i've got three within a mile of the house and they're all basically within a block of each other. The only other walmarts that might have it aren't too close to me and are gigantic always crowded super centers. Both the hardware stores and the auto places are a lot closer, so i guess i'll be switching brands :)
I've seen both Krylon and Rustoleum at different hardware stores, and auto parts stores usually carry one or the other. Some Wal-marts have Testors but not all.

Stick with what works the best for you, but drive around and find a high volume store. I got burned on spray cans a few times from Hobby Lobby before I checked back a few times and realized Testors moves really slow. (I marked a few cans) I think serious builders either go to a huge place like Hobby Town USA or order through the mail for Tamyia or Humbrol paints. At Hobby Lobby it's kids, pine wood derby and casual builders.

One of these days I've got to get an Iron Man helmet, you got skills on yours.
Here, we've got Sutherlands, Lowes, and Home Depot - none have Krylon. Ace, might, but the only one I know of is a long drive from here.

Thanks again for the compliments on the helmet. :)
The sculpt is finheads. I only trimmed and painted - but after seeing your stuff, that's definitely extemely high praise!

I'm not a horror fan, and horror films don't scare me - your stuff scared the crap out me! :) In a good way. As other's said in that thread - how you haven't been snapped up by a studio is beyond me. Simply mind blowing stuff!

Thanks for the compliments. Being a first effort thing for me, it means a lot!
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