My first flea market score


Sr Member

I know its not a mint MPP or Obi Wan grenade but it was only 1 buck. :thumbsup
It made my day. I actually tried to talk her down to .50 but she was dead set on that dollar. :lol
A lot of great things can be found at a flea market. I know that the art deco lighter used for Joseph Adama's lighter, as seen in "Battlestar Galactica", it was found at a flea market by the prop department.

Still, great find, dude. :D
I've seen this before but I forgot where it appears and what is it :)

I'm still waiting for the coffee book edition of 'Bobs big book of props and their real world products"

I've seen this before but I forgot where it appears and what is it :)

It's a 1970s hair dryer, silly! :angel (yes, I do know what prop this is part of) ;)

Does it still work?

I wonder if it was fun, back in those days, building props from camera parts, small appliances, plumbing parts and other bits of junk.
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Reminds me of the time I saw my Mum's hairdryer on a console in Blake's 7.

All my family (watching) laughed at the time. Deep down I knew I should have kept it.
thats a sweet find we have a huge flea market coming up this next week hope I can run across some good stuff there