My Entire Prop Collection (Video)


Sr Member
So, I was sitting here thinking about my collection and decited to use my iphone to take video to share with you guys. The video is not that great cause its my phone and its night here so there's not great lighting but you get the idea. My collection has seen a huge decrease in the past 2 years due to unemployment, but am slowly starting to build it up. So hope ya enjoy!

O, and there is a point where I go to light my ZPM prop from stargate to give more light for the video but found out the batteries are dead, so just ignore that part lol

Have never taken video or posted it before, so if it doesent work lmk
Very cool setup and excellent collection you got there, really like that cabniet. If I had the room I'd love to have my props displayed like that. Unfortunatly I have to pick and choose my spots :unsure
Love the collection but its displayed even better, so many props but so neatly done.

The duty blues are done that they are still a stand out piece without taking up half the room which i like ( and am going to rob your idea!:p)

That and the Stargate props:thumbsup
Thanks you guys, its a modest collection, until I win the lottery :) and thanks! I really like how the duty blues are done too, I got lucky and got a manequin for $20 with a really cool body style, now i just need a better place like a loft or office to display everything
Yea, your enterpris props really make the second trek shelf, had to frMe the doorbell, it's just to freaking nice!
Nice collection! I like the display, the bottom doors are begging to be swapped out for clear glass so those pieces can be enjoyed all the time :)
