My buildup of the pegasus Galaxy Quest Nebulizer


Well-Known Member
I wanted to share the steps I took to build up ny pegasus model Galaxy quest nebulizer. I didn't get enough pictures as I should of, but I hope the ones I do share will help, and for the rest you will have to use your imagination. :)

First I filled the handle together with glue, and bolts for weight. I also glued in a button behind the trigger for future electronic upgrade, and glued the 2 halves of the handle together.

Next I glued the 2 body halves together, and using a single edge razor blade I cut the body apart below the rail. I also glued in bolts for weight to these parts as well. I also glued a small strip of styrene to the lower half of the body so that the 2 halves could fit together without sliding apart. I also glued in a piece so that I could install screws to hold the 2 halves together. I then used puddy to hide the seam.


I then primed the parts, and sanded them smooth.

After the model was ready for paint. I sprayed a smooth coat of gloss black over the entire model, and let the paint dry for a few hours. I then sprayed the entire model with ALclad for the aluminum look. I allowed the paint to dry for a couple of days, and masked off the parts and sprayed a dull aluminum silver paint to the raised parts.

For a little extra I replaced the grips with a set of rubber grips I made for it, and glued all of the clear plastic parts inside the model. I also replaces the emitter with a aluminum part I made, and I also cut a small piece of clear plastic to replace the little fin on the top.

Here are a few pictures of the finished kit



Agreed, looks sweet. I'm guessing you used some sort of kitchen drawer liner for the rubber grip?
Fantastic! Now you just need some blue or green LEDs in there and it's as good or better than the filming prop.
gawd dayum!!!!!!!!!!!

i skipped ahead and saw the pic of finished kit and thought it was a real metal prop. there are no words, this is just AWESOME. you ever think about selling any extra rubber gripes? I think id be interested :)
Hey hey Myron,
looking very nice, I figured this was yours. I've seen all your ST kits on the bay and liked your facebook page too. Glad to see you and GM are still here making kits.
I periodically come visit this thread and admire this Ion Nebulizer. I've recently come into a Pegasus model kit and will most likely try to build it up like this one. Granted, mine won't be as slick, since I haven't built a model in twenty years, but I'm aiming high! :D

I have a pre-built Pegasus set already, and I'll be using that for a cheap prop for an upcoming cosplay, but as always with cosplay, it's a work in progress, right? And maybe, just maybe, I can improve upon that.

Thanks for the inspiration!
I periodically come visit this thread and admire this Ion Nebulizer. I've recently come into a Pegasus model kit and will most likely try to build it up like this one. Granted, mine won't be as slick, since I haven't built a model in twenty years, but I'm aiming high! :D

I have a pre-built Pegasus set already, and I'll be using that for a cheap prop for an upcoming cosplay, but as always with cosplay, it's a work in progress, right? And maybe, just maybe, I can improve upon that.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Awesome, 20 years since you built a kit, damn.
I haven't done a model in longer than that. I got into the SW Sabers a while back and built a few customs and modded a bunch for friends. Got tired of that scene though. So it's back to ST and anything else I liked since a child.
Enjoy making the kit to a gun, I am also working on functioning Vox's , hard to find the right sized mini plasma disks, but I am working with a full sized mini plasma disk, it's 1/2 inch wider, I've made the mod to fit it, just making the backing cover to fit over everything. So far that is coming along very nice too.
Awesome, 20 years since you built a kit, damn.
I haven't done a model in longer than that. I got into the SW Sabers a while back and built a few customs and modded a bunch for friends. Got tired of that scene though. So it's back to ST and anything else I liked since a child.
Enjoy making the kit to a gun, I am also working on functioning Vox's , hard to find the right sized mini plasma disks, but I am working with a full sized mini plasma disk, it's 1/2 inch wider, I've made the mod to fit it, just making the backing cover to fit over everything. So far that is coming along very nice too.

Actually, in thinking more on it, it's been closer to twenty-five. ;)

Would love to see how your voxes come out!
Actually, in thinking more on it, it's been closer to twenty-five. ;)

Would love to see how your voxes come out!

WOW , ever since testers glue became crap LOL.
Still working on proto #2 will incorporate Stapeltons design into mine for ease of access(I ASKED HIS PERMISSION 1st)
That's awesome!
Is Alcad durable for playing with? I was under the impression it wouldn't hold its lustre after lots of touching...

It isn't very durable. Looks Great when used, but it is best to keep the handling to a minimum.

WOW , ever since testers glue became crap LOL.
Still working on proto #2 will incorporate Stapeltons design into mine for ease of access(I ASKED HIS PERMISSION 1st)

I use Weld on solvent cement. It works great.
Thanks for the heads up on the alclad durability and the advice on the plastic cement Myron :)