My Big Daddy costume WIP *Update 10-14-10 Helmet Received!!!*


Sr Member
So here's my thread for my Big daddy costume. I received the vest today from It's a good vest, if I was a couple pounds lighter. I really got to suck it in to fit in it, luckily I plan on adding the three buckles on each side so that will give me some extra breathing room. They also come with shoulder/arm guards; which are going to come in handy when I attach the shoulder armor. There is velcro just about everywhere so I think it's going to be fairly easy to attach some of the pieces. Just about everything is going to attach to the vest, so it'll be interesting to see how I progress. I'll be looking more like the Comic version of big daddy for sure :thumbsup

The boots are from Walmart and are my EDW Boots; they look close enough so it was an added bonus to have them already. :love

The gloves are from and at $29.99 US, are a lot easier on the pocket than the SA Harley Davidson ones.

For the chaps, I've got a pair of Dickie's that I think i'll rip up and experiment my hand sewing on. Arm slip on will more than likely be donated from some Dickie coveralls.

Hopefully I'll get this done by the time Halloween rolls around. Wish me luck!

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Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass

Good start. What type of vest is that?
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass

Ok, so I finally got some more work done on my costume tonight. I started working on the armor pieces of the costume. First pic is of my High Impact Urethane that i'll be using. Shhh, don't tell anybody.

Now every project needs a set of highly detailed plans, so that you can get highly accurate results. Here are my plans. Note the use of graphing paper to get super straight lines, and to make it look cool.

I used the plans as a guide to draw out some templates, and transferred them to the trashca...errr High Impact Urethane. Kinda like this.
This is the upper shoulder armor thingie.

The lines are what I use to bend the plastic with a heat gun. Big Daddy's armor isn't smooth, he has these bend lines. So in order to replicate that, I sandwiched the armor plates between two pieces of wood. I heated the plastic until this sort of glaze appears on the surface. Then I take another piece of wood and force it into submission. like this

Here are the results for my left arm. The edges are kind of rough, but that will be covered by my awesome sewing skills that I have yet to develop.

Off to do the second arm! lemme know what you all think.
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

This is one I'll be tackling in the near future, so I'm definitely watching your progress.
Looks great so far.
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

Looks really good so far -- can't wait to see the finished project!!
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

Interesting project - looking good :)
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

wow, looking forward to seeing finished product!
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

Great :thumbsup!! I keep an eye on the progress and congratulations for your idea of High Impact Urethane source!!:)
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

Thanks everyone for the encouragement! It's actually pretty easy and fun to work with the plastic once you get used to it. My first couple of tries, as you can see, aren't all that great. But once I got used to how the plastic behaves under heat, it got pretty easy to manipulate.

The "High Impact Urethane" source isn't my original idea. It's more of an RPF Joke than anything else.

Here is that update I promised. I did the other three pieces that same night. I hope to get the leg pieces done this weekend!
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

Looks like you're making headway. Can't wait to see how it all lays out when you begin the assembly. :thumbsup
Re: My Big Daddy costume WIP from Kick Ass *10-11-10 Armor Progress*

So guess what I got in the mail?
My Big Daddy helmet of course! This is thing is freaking awesome beyond measure. It's my first heavy purchase in the field of prop/costuming. After posting a WTB ad in the junkyard, lance, aka DKnight23, aka, offered me one of his helmets. I'm glad I made the decision to go with him! I don't know what the material would be called, rubber urethane latex slightly black stretchy stuff? I'm really not too familiar with materials.

I should also say that DKnight23 was awesome to answer all my questions. He gave me timely updates and never had me worried. DKnight23 is a pleasure to do business with.

This thing is smooth smooth baby bottom smooth. There is like one or two nicks, but it's an awesome pull. :thumbsup

The pictures can do a better job than I can explain. sorry for the quality, it's an old 4mp camera. They don't do this helmet the justice it deserves, enjoy!

Just a forewarning, these pics were taken directly from the box, I haven't cleaned it up yet. There is still some powder residue, I'm assuming from the molding process.

This is the only pic I took with flash

Close up of the smoothness. Note the powder residue.


3/4 View, I thought this pic came out nice.

Helmet on my ugly mug

and you will never be as cool as Big Daddy Estrada....

So it seems my costume is coming along nicely!
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I know this is an old thread but i"ve been looking for ideas on BigDaddy and had to say thanks! please tell me you have a pic of this finished, it looks really BADASS!!!:cool