Egon Spengler
Master Member
How many layers of fiberglass makes strong armor? Anyone?
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Ah, that will smooth it out nicely huh? The resin and only catalyst? What do you mean resin with charge though? Thanks!
define strong? want it to bounce off bullets? or just not break when you wear it?
A charge is something you put to the resin to make it stronger. Usually is a mineral powder o butched fiberglass (don't know if it's the correct name for fiberglass separated in 'fibers'). The charge I usually use is (in spanish) 'carbonato calcico'. Use it 50-50 in weight mixed with the resin.
Hope it helps!
PD: Sorry about language; spanish guy!
@Danaedhel In English we normally use the term "filler" instead of charge.
@Egon Spengler Search online for fiberglass fillers for more info but most people around here are familiar with fillers like milled glass fibers, micro glass bubbles, calcium carbonate (carbonato calcico), etc.
I get mine at - Mold Making, Casting Resin, & Foundry Materials