Museum Replicas Jedi Costumes: What's the latest?

Jack T Chance

Sr Member
I just recently found out that Lucasfilm Licensing and Museum Replicas made an announcement, perhaps as far back as 2 years ago, that Museum Replicas has been given the license to make movie accurate Jedi costumes... and also armor and other costume items from the Star Wars movies! :cool

But aside from a picture of some very nice prototypes that was in the back of an action figure magazine, of all places, I've seen very little info. :confused

So, anyone know what the deal is? When is Museum Replicas going to start offering these for sale? :confused

P.S. I did a search on the keyword "jedi" in the topic title, and it found NO threads about this topic. Apologies if this is a duplicate topic.
They had some prototypes at Dragon*Con - not bad but room for improvement (according to the folks I've talked to who are very familiar with the little deatails of the costumes.)
Seems like they just kinda dropped off the face of the earth tho . No new press releases for aLoooooooong time now . People are also interested in their Imperial officer uniform offering . That SHOULD have been a breeze to crank out . Wonder what the hangups are ? :confused
yeah i saw them at Dragoncon. there are some room for improvements. they are probably one of the most accurate you can buy from a dealer like that. I may be wrong on that note though. :wacko:wacko:lol
I actually talked to the guy at Dragon Con. He said that the demo outfits were prototypes and they were still working out fabrics that would be as close to screen accurate as possible and that some details were still being ironed out. Most of the stuff looked really good as far as detail went. They seemed to be taking it really seriously. Apparently to the point of being allowed access to original pieces for inspection.
If they can get perfect fabric for Anakin's tunic, I'd buy one of those. However, 99% of what I've seen, you're better off getting fan made.
from what I heard, at least initially, you aren't going to be able to purchase seperate pieces, it's going to be the whole set.
Fan made may be the better route most of the time, since they are going to be making these to make a profit, they will typically be more spendy.
For the money they are asking I do not think the demand is high enough to produce them. With the extra work they will need to be canon it will be like buying a rubies Vader.
I had hopes for them after talking to the people at SDCC at length a few days in a row. Gave them my email, got their email to shar ideas on the Obi-Wan. Emailed and never heard back. At SDCC they were saying they would have some stuff available for pre-order by the fall 2008. I tend to remember him saying some stuff would be ready for purchase by Christmas. That came and went with nothing. Since then there's been no word.

Either getting them ready for sale has proven a longer road than they thought or the project got shelved. They did say that LFL didn't really care how good they made everything so maybe when the final prices were being realized they canned it? Not sure but I thought that was why MR dropped the idea to make costumes too.

Oh well.
Yes, I did the same at DragonCon. They said they were interested in hearing our ideas. I went to the WS site and still no SW costumes for sale. I did sign up for their updates too. My guess is that with our economy doing so well(NOT!!), they put it on hold for a bit. I did hear that for the TPM Maroon Battle Handmaiden, M&J Trimming had the perfect trim but they thought it too expensive, even at wholesale :confused but that just shows us that they are really trying to keep cost down but that might sacrifice accuracy :unsure

Not something some of us were thrilled to hear...:thumbsdown
Someone on the Rebelscum forums stated that we would be hearing something very soon from them, and that if things went as they hoped, orders could start this spring.
Guys (and gals), I just found something I'd been wanting to post for awhile, but didn't know if I still had them.

While this will be the first time Museum Replicas will offer officially licensed Star Wars costumes (if they ever get around to offering them) it is NOT the first time they've made Jedi costumes... oops, sorry, I mean "Hirokas". ;)

Here's some pics of a product line they USED to sell a few years ago... the galactic hero "Hiroka" costume...


Here's the all leather model... every part of the costume was leather...


And here's the leather accessories they made to go with them... a belt with a pouch, and 2 types of boots.




The black boots can still be purchased to this day, as well as the belt and pouch combo.

Obviously, these were by no means 100% movie accurate, but they were great for those, like myself, that prefer to come up with a unique Jedi persona and costume, rather than just dressing up as "Obi-Wan" or "Anakin". I just wish they had offered all the parts individually, and in more colors, so that you could buy, say, a brown undershirt, a tan outer tunic, and beige tabbards, etc. If they had done that, I might have even bought some of the pieces from them to see how they were. ;)

I wonder if anyone here ever bought one of these ensembles? I've never seen anyone wearing them at a convention, so I'm not sure what the quality's like when you're up close to it. Always been curious about that. I see a lot of people on here saying that Museum Replicas sucks, but from everything they say in their catalogs, their swords seem to be much more historically accurate than what you'd get from, say, ;)
the brown boots might be nice for a qui-gon - cant remember the strap count but make'em a little darker with leather dye... :love
wonder how sturdy they are...