MR ANH Vader FX Blade removal?


New Member
Has anyone ever tried to remove the blade on an MR FX ANH version of Vader's saber. I remember seeing an excellent thread on removing the ESB version a few months ago, and am wondering if it would apply to the ANH version too. Can anyone help?
The ANH blade can be removed but it is not designed to be easily replaceable. I've been inside one and it was no fun. I have mixed feelings about removing the blade. If used for dueling, it may fly out and injure someone. Personally, I got hold of a defective saber for cheap and gutted it so I have a belt hanger if needed. If you want the blade to be removable for costuming purposes, IMO the removable blade doesn't help anything because you have to figure out where to put the blade. :angry

Anyone have problems with the grips falling off their ANH vader? Every one of mine did and I lost two. I just took the rest off and did a Yoda's House upgrade.