Movie props everyone knows?


Sr Member
Ok so I live in Canada now and still a big fan of Doctor who, I am building a TARDIS and DALEK in my back yard, and no one knows what thet heck they are. If I lived in England everybody would know. so it has got me wondering, what props do you think would be known by almost anybody?.
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

I agree lightsabers, phasers, any part of a terminator endo, golden gun, predator helmet, alien skull.
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

From Trek... it would have to be the communicator. Star Wars, a lightsaber.
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

--For sure the Lightsaber would have to be the most famous, regardless of who's it is, if it has a going blade, people know
--LOTR ring
--terminator bare metal skull
--Indiana Jones Hat and whip together
--Goldfinger's Golden Gun
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

Not mentioned yet:

Raider's Fertility Idol
Iron Man "Tony Stark Has A Heart" arc reactor display
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

More of the 'not mentionned', but by no means unmetionnable:

Ghostbuster's proton pack,
Robocop's Auto-9,
Pulse Rifle,
Ash's chainsaw!
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

-Loki Mask
-Freddy Glove
-Jason mask (any style)
-Golden Idol from Raiders
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

I think this sort of thing really depends on your definition of "everyone." I know a bunch of everyones who don't know film and yet know what the Maltese Falcon looks like who would think the arc reactor is probably a very thick ashtray. Then again, I know a bunch of everyones who think Dave's red suit from 2001 is as common as Volkswagens who have no idea Rosebud's the sled.

Your answer just depends on which set of everyones you run with.
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

If we are talking about everyday Joe, non film fans. I know i'm stretching the definition of 'prop' here.

TOS Starship Enterprise
Darth Vader costume
TARDIS (I'm really surprised no one local to the OP knows it. Is Doctor Who big in Canada ?)

I honestly think a lot of the other stuff mentioned just wouldn't be recognised until you mention the film.
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

I know it is a hard question to answer, but yes things like herbie and vader and the maltese falcon, R2-D2 things liek that, maybe even dorothy's ruby slippers. or cinderellas glass slipper.
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

don't be too sure on some of these...Some people thought my ghostbuster pack was a rocket pack and wondered what my costume was at a huge costume party...after that I lost all hope for society
Re: Movie proprs everyone knows?

don't be too sure on some of these...Some people thought my ghostbuster pack was a rocket pack and wondered what my costume was at a huge costume party...after that I lost all hope for society

haha, well I had a cheap ghostbuster costume with the inflatable proton pack..The youth organization I worked for at the time thought I was a janitor:unsure
Batman , Iron Man , horror movies stuff.

I use to painfully try watch Dr. Who to see what everyone liked about it and always thought it was a worse UK version of an American Soap Opera.

Recently for the Vacation Bible School we did the only licensed piece per say i had hanging was a large model of the Star Trek Enterprise and I was shocked at how many people young and old knew exactly what it was. I think ST items will alwats be iconic to Americans
Darth Vader mask
Wizard of Oz witch hat
Charlie Chaplin Hat and cane
R2 and C3-Po
Jaws shark
Captain Ahab´s leg
If i had to pick one prop everyone would recognize I'd have to go with Dorithy's ruby slippers. It's the one movie i'm pretty sure most everone has seen. Old or young.
With everyone we mean "everyone" or just everyone we would ask. I can't imagine that an older woman knows what Proton Pack is. Even if we tal over people between 20 and 50 years, I think only a few % know special things like a proton pack, golden idol.

The most people remember costumes, no props; so many people will know how darth vader looks and indiana jones.

Maltese Falcon?!? A classic movie in the USA, but ask around here and no-one will know what the movie is about.

So i agree to Trap Joe, the classic knows everyone, and costumes are the thing what people remember, even scenes from different movies, who are unforgettable. And you can watch these scene as a persiflage in other movies.

So, after all, characters like Darth Vader, R2D2, Indiana Jones, Batman, Terminator, for the some generations maybe harry potter, LOTR...
But that doesnt mean that everyone know the props as well...
golden idol
ruby slippers
Freddy's glove
Jason's hock
i wish i could say the Shape's mask, but from the number of people who think "white rubber mask" = Jason...

Superman's "S"
i would say Ark of the Covenent, but it's hard to say if that's strictly prop recognition.

that's it for props; costumes would be a whole other list, as it should really be "characters" rather than "costumes."
i'd love to say Xenomorph, but there was this one girl, God help her, who thought it was some kind of big lizard.

(you could argue that Freddy's glove and Jason's mask fall under costumes, but since they're single objects i think they're props)
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