So I woke up with a fever this morning and I've pretty much just beensinking deeper and deeper into my bed with nothing to do except watch movies. The funny thing about when a fever takes over my body is - it makes me a lot less critical of films and my drained strength may even cause me to like a few that I would have never even watched - Well, I just finished The Island - which I'd never seen and I must say - SCARLETT is FRICKIN HOT HOT HOT! in this movie. Oh My God - I mean, I'm always blown away by her - but she was sooooo perfect in some of these scenes that i had to turn off the movie to keep my fever from melting me into a puddle a mexican flan.
The movie wasn't that bad either - nothing great, but I liked that little Wasp motorcycle thing and Steve Bucemi is always a hoot. Say what you will about Bay - but I've always loved his photography and he cooked some of the stuff in this flick and made it awesome to behold -- yes, I'm talking about Scarlett again. DANG! I'm upset now. I'm going to kill Ryan Reynolds - I just need to catch him when that ring is low on power.
The movie wasn't that bad either - nothing great, but I liked that little Wasp motorcycle thing and Steve Bucemi is always a hoot. Say what you will about Bay - but I've always loved his photography and he cooked some of the stuff in this flick and made it awesome to behold -- yes, I'm talking about Scarlett again. DANG! I'm upset now. I'm going to kill Ryan Reynolds - I just need to catch him when that ring is low on power.
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