Metal Gear Solid: "The Orange" Box


Active Member
Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone had any High res pictures of the orange box from metal gear solid? The famous Corrugated box that snake hides in.


And I know most everything in games are copy-write protected...but is there a way I can find out if this box is in that category?

Thanks for the help :)
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Re: "The Orange" Box

I'd love to see recreations of all the boxes that have appeared in the Metal Gear games.

Here's a site with some good orange box shots-

Love the box.

Also, I'd recommend putting "Metal Gear Solid" somewhere in the thread title. Just "Orange box" is pretty obscure. I thought you were referring to the Half-life/Portal set at first.







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Re: "The Orange" Box

I'd love to see recreations of all the boxes that have appeared in the Metal Gear games.

Here's a site with some good orange box shots-

Love the box.

Also, I'd recommend putting "Metal Gear Solid" somewhere in the thread title. Just "Orange box" is pretty obscure. I thought you were referring to the Half-life/Portal set at first.


I am a designer at a Corrugated packaging company in Michigan, I have access to getting print plates for cheap and I can get boxes ran for nothing (the pink i'd have to buy ink) But I'm trying to figure out the verbiage.. do I edit the title? ^^;

Re: "The Orange" Box

A Metal Gear fan who works at a cardboard box factory.

How elegantly perfect is that!

You should be able to click an "edit" button somewhere in your original post and change anything you need.


Fixed it. Thanks :thumbsup

And yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while. I could do the Tank box..but the cost would be very high..I could make a brown one for nothing..but to run a production one would be a Tool..Artwork..having to get the paper laminated to make it look like it should... and on top of that it has to be a minimum of 2500 sheets :lol

Not for me :p
It's a PS2 game so if you're thinking about grabbing the textures from it you can scratch that option off, they'd be incredibly small.

You'd likely need very high resolution souce files to get a result that didn't look terrible, so your best bet is re-creating it using image editing software.