HI folks. Ive been a little busy lately on one project after another. But the cold weather here has given me an opportunity to have a few days to myself on a project ive been wanting to get my teeth into for a long while.
We all love a Snowspeeder,( i guess !) but i really love one of the concept McQuarrie versions.
so i've set about making a kit of this iconic beasty in laser cut perspex and cast parts. Nice and large at 1/12 scale so the 6 inch figures will fit ( I didn't fancy remodelling the pilot !). I cant lie, it's been a lot of work and some very late nights getting the first panels together, redesigning for easier assembly blah blah. But it's here in the flesh now.
Just the re-modeling of the gun parts and other engine bits to make good for casting, then the laborious task of making some instructions for all 200 plus parts.
Heres the version im after re-creating.
So i had a night of exploring shapes and how to make it,
and heres what it looks like after a few days work sorting out bits and bobs. Ive thrown some paint at it for a convention soon, but needed to keep all parts separate for removal and casting work, so its a bit of an, "almost done" version. More modelling on the guns to do for the final incarnation, but you get the gist of it.
Heres a video which will explain a lot more than i can get on here in words and pics if you fancy a cup of tea and some youtube.
Ill be posting updates on this as i get through the rest of the project.
Hope you guys like it.
Happy modelling folks.
We all love a Snowspeeder,( i guess !) but i really love one of the concept McQuarrie versions.
so i've set about making a kit of this iconic beasty in laser cut perspex and cast parts. Nice and large at 1/12 scale so the 6 inch figures will fit ( I didn't fancy remodelling the pilot !). I cant lie, it's been a lot of work and some very late nights getting the first panels together, redesigning for easier assembly blah blah. But it's here in the flesh now.
Just the re-modeling of the gun parts and other engine bits to make good for casting, then the laborious task of making some instructions for all 200 plus parts.
Heres the version im after re-creating.
So i had a night of exploring shapes and how to make it,
and heres what it looks like after a few days work sorting out bits and bobs. Ive thrown some paint at it for a convention soon, but needed to keep all parts separate for removal and casting work, so its a bit of an, "almost done" version. More modelling on the guns to do for the final incarnation, but you get the gist of it.
Heres a video which will explain a lot more than i can get on here in words and pics if you fancy a cup of tea and some youtube.
Hope you guys like it.
Happy modelling folks.