Material for Custom Clone Helmet?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of completing a fan-made Episode III helmet, and am down to the padding and the visor. I can handle the padding, but am at a loss as to what to use for the visor.

Can anyone give me some insight as to where to look for this? I can cut/bend it myself, so I don't necessarily need a finished, ready-to-install visor - just a sheet of the proper material would be fine.

Thanks for any help, and I'll be sure and post some pics when it's finished.
Originally posted by ihs@Mar 9 2006, 06:35 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of completing a fan-made Episode III helmet, and am down to the padding and the visor.  I can handle the padding, but am at a loss as to what to use for the visor.

Can anyone give me some insight as to where to look for this?  I can cut/bend it myself, so I don't necessarily need a finished, ready-to-install visor - just a sheet of the proper material would be fine.

Thanks for any help, and I'll be sure and post some pics when it's finished.

Are you refering to the face plate?
I think most people use motor cycle helmet shields ot welder shields.

Originally posted by division 6@Mar 10 2006, 01:00 PM
Are you refering to the face plate?
I think most people use motor cycle helmet shields ot welder shields.

Perhaps face plate is the proper term - it's the part you look through that's black and looks like the material used to make sunglasses. Sorry for the confusion regarding the wording of it.

Thanks for the heads-up on the helmet/welder shields - that gives me somewhere to start. :) I'm going to hit a few hardware stores this weekend, and see what else I can find as well.
Welders shield are usually used for Fett helmets.
They can be found at welding supply shops and come in diffirent shades (darkness)
However they tend to come in green, so a motorcycle helmet face shield would probably be better since they come in a wide variety of colors.

If you can't find either on you can always get some clear plastic or clear face shield and use window tint on it.
