Master Plo


New Member
For my next project i am going to do a generick master plo if thats even possible i was pointed in your direction by Hollywood Heroes in regards to the mask and hands, i am posting here hoping for good advice or that someone has one for sale but please bare in mind im not made of money....

Thanx in advance
Hello Pete!

Welcome to the RPF! :)

Please know that there are rules here about posting WANT TO BUY threads in any section other than the JUNKYARD. You are obviously new judging by this being your only post so I'm sure you didn't know that! ;)

Do a search as there are a couple of awesome ones that have come through recently! I don't know if any are for sale but you can get a good idea of what you are looking for!

Good luck on your quest! :)
How do you make a Generic Master Plo?

Isnt that a specific Jedi?

which makes it not generic at all?
Sorry about the wanted part of this message i should no better its a general rule on forums this is my only post as i only joined about an hour ago....

Any way i was more wanting advice but i do think my skills lack in mask making as i have never done that before..

Generick plo koon lets change that title to generick Kel dor jedi that works for me, i like the master plo mask but i dont like the robes he wears and prefur more obi wan style costume...

Thanx hope i have cleared that up...