Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor - COMPLETED!


Active Member
It is my pleasure to show everyone the first pics of my Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Mk III armor. It is everything that you expected from this awesome run. I am a very proud owner of one of the first sets. Masked Rider has created a masterpiece. We have always had great communication and he is absolutely a man of his word. Totally trustworthy! You can't go wrong dealing with him and I can't wait to get a War Machine armor suit from him.

Ok, now onto the build. It took a few weeks to gather the right parts before I could start the assembly. I had to find a suitable colored lycra body suit, a posable mannequin, and various hardware to make the modifications.

I was of course very excited to receive the giant box this armor came in, and very anxious to get it suited up on a mannequin, but unfortunately the mannequin I wanted was out of stock at the time... so more waiting, about a week. Then I searched the internet to find a color matching lycra body suit to match the armor and ordered the suit.

Before the actual assembly began, the main armor parts had to be test fitted. I have never tried to fit hard armor pieces on to a mannequin before. I found it extremely challenging. It's nothing like fitting clothes. Clothes can be manipulated to fit; armor doesn't want to go on as easily. I quickly realized that this is going to be harder than I expected. I had to cut both fiberglass arms at the shoulders and extend outward @ 4". This is so the front & back chest armor could fit together. Originally the arms were not broad enough to get the chest pieces on. Then I tried to fit the helmet on, but that didn't fit either; the ears stuck out too far, so the ears had to go too. Then I realized the lower torso part couldn't fit over then hip area because the mannequin's legs were in a slight "A" stance. I had to cut part of the armor here in the crotch area to slide the lower torso over from the top down & reconnect the crotch. I had to order new hands for the mannequin because the existing hands were too small & not able to spread apart to fit the gauntlet fingers on.

Highlights of the armor are that the face mask is removable, and the eyes, chest, and hands light up. This suit was made to be worn by a person; which might be slightly easier to suit up because people can flex & bend to accommodate the suit. The mannequin doesn't. Everything on the mannequin has to be custom modified.

So far this is where I am in the build. Almost every joint in the mannequin had to be modified which was a huge pain! The upper half is nearly done. The lower half is a whole other story. I'll let you know when I get to it. It may be awhile. My 6'2" mannequin still needs to be raised up @ 4 - 5 " taller to be closer to the original IM suit. I will have to figure out a way to raise the whole suit & mannequin higher; perhaps get platform shoes or make risers.

LMK you thoughts.


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Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

great looking progress there!! keep it up! and congratulations on your acquisition!!:love
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Congratuations the armor it looks great! :love I've dealt with Leslee in the past and have nothing but great things to say as well.

I'm hoping to get his War Machine and seeing the quality of the Iron Man armor is Great news. Not surprising as I own one of his earlier version Mark II helmet which is still an amazing piece in it's own right. He keeps getting better with everything he (and his team) does. I can't wait to see your display once you're finished.

Thanks for sharing and congratulations again!
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

kick ass suit, mate... is the red this bright or it's your camera?
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Nice! The painting is awesome on it, It sucks you have to adjust the mannequin so much but man it's going to be worth it.
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

I seem to recall that there is a company in the U.S. that makes poseable mannequins, all the way down to the fingers. I've got this same suit on order, and that's what I'm planning on using, after I take the suit out for a spin myself, that is.
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

I really like your suit man. Masked rider definitely makes top notch stuff. Although I personally couldn't spend all that money and not wear the suit. It's kinda like owning a Lamborghini or Bugatti and leaving it parked in the garage never to see the open road.

Never the less, great job on the progress you have made and good luck on getting the rest finished!
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Fantastic looking outfit. I look forward to seeing it on full display. :D
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Thank u Tony , by reading all your feedback about this armor makes me wanna:cry . It is my pleasure too dealing with u and what makes a props collector and maker so happy is this kind of feeling .......:cheers , everyone happy and excited after seeing or received your work . This worth for us to throw in hundred of hours working on and thousand gallon of sweat in this project , i will show this feedback and review to all my team members . We will 105 % ++ put all our best work on all the armors and props in future and i can guarantee u , u will see the one of a kind , best War Machine armor out there ...

Thanks for giving the best work and patient on displaying this Mark III armor , it will turn out to be a kick ass IM armor display after your work on it , your creative is amazing :thumbsup , It is really my pleasure to deal with u . Keep up the great work and keep us update on the armor display :)
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

OHH! Quite nice!

Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Update... 8.28.10

Got the latex hands. They're hollow, so I stuffed them with plastic bags. I did the finger ring assemblies, fitted the mannequin wrist joint connectors from the old hands. Then "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" :cool
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Looks great brother , u have put the armor to live (y)thumbsup , marvelous work especially the finger parts .
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

Wow, that's come together brilliantly! Love those gloves!

Top work once again Leslee! :thumbsup
Re: Masked Rider 1:1 Scale Ironman Armor WIP

from the chest up it looks pretty great but the waist/codpiece area seems awfully large/wide