Marvel vs DC Movies-my thoughts on the past and future

IMHO it boils down to studio leadership and creative vision. Marvel Studios has Kevin Fiege, DC Entertainment has nobody. If you look at the films outside of Marvel Studios, they vary greatly in quality and tone, ranging from complete stinkers like Ghost Rider to good ones like XMFC and X2. On the other hand, the quality and tone of the Marvel Studio films have been a lot more consistent despite using different filmmakers. I really believe Fiege and his team learned what worked and what didn't after years of doing consulting work for all these movies before Iron Man. WB and DC is at the mercy of their filmmaker's talent - guys like Nolan produce winners, and then they have bombs like GL and Jonah Hex.

If you really think about it, DC Entertainment SHOULD have had the edge in putting together a shared cinematic universe, given the fact that WB/DCE retain the rights to most if not all of the DC characters, certainly all of the JLA ones. Batman and Superman were among the most recognizable and iconic superheroes, and while Marvel has Spider-Man and Wolverine, they sold those rights to Sony and Fox. Yet here we are, with Marvel's Avengers franchise dominating with core characters that the general public didn't care about before Iron Man in 2008. If DC can find a leadership team with the know-how and vision and give that team creative control over all future DC films, they'll do well. Even if Nolan-Snyder-Affleck prove to be their dream team, I believe they still need a strong studio exec similar to a Kevin Fiege on board to really drive this thing forward.
Marvel has had its heroes on television as early as 1966. I remember that series (through reruns as I wasn't alive in '66) and it being a big hit with other kids in grade school.

The comic book Thor is now more well known than the Norse God. Spider-Man and Captain America is just as iconic as Supes as Bats (maybe just a hair behind).

I would argue that Spiderman is perhaps the world's MOST popular superhero....even when compared to Batman or Superman.
I would argue that Spiderman is perhaps the world's MOST popular superhero....even when compared to Batman or Superman.
Add Wolverine to the mix... most of the older generation probably has no idea who he is, but I'd guess a great many folks under the age of 50 do. Iconically... the Superman S (and red cape), Batman's bat (usually in a yellow oval and the bat ears) and a spider (with the eyes or red/blue) speak volumes (and Wolverine doesn't have that one singular trademark - yeah, yeah... claws but, it's not an iconic symbol like the others).

(Of course, I'm speaking for (mostly) North America - I don't really know about the rest of the planet).
Think its a case of where do you live then. Cus i for one only really recall X-men, spiderman, Batman, Superman (animated series) as the ones that were properly shown. characters like thor, cap etc were not shown to that extent so hence not that known or popular. Maybe also why when looking at where the animated studios actually release their dvd/blu ray's or even their comics.
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