Many people have made fiberglass parts for suit armors...

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Well-Known Member
I would like to easily make composite parts of a clay mold...Any steps or advice on the how to?
Wasn't this already covered multiple times in your previous thread?

Once you have the clay master sculpted you need to make a female mold out of a material of your choice, I'd recommend either silicon or plaster. Once you have the mother molds then all you need to do is lay up some fiberglass and you're set. How 'easy' it is is up to your own skill and experience.
Wasn't this already covered multiple times in your previous thread?

Once you have the clay master sculpted you need to make a female mold out of a material of your choice, I'd recommend either silicon or plaster. Once you have the mother molds then all you need to do is lay up some fiberglass and you're set. How 'easy' it is is up to your own skill and experience.

Will the fiberglass come out of the mold of silicone though? I know where to get everything except the correct clay and tools, and the correct silicone and tools
or plaster
I know where to get everything except the correct clay and tools, and the correct silicone and tools
or plaster
:lol seriously WTF? You know where to get everything.... but not really. :confused If you don't know where to get the clay, tools, silicone, or plaster materials, pretty much basics of making a sculpt... what else is there?

Mods, really... this guy MUST be a sockpuppet/troll

- Jeff
Will the fiberglass come out of the mold of silicone though?

It will if you use mold release. Do some research, a google search for "fiberglass casting" "Prop casting" or "mold building" will bring up all sorts of info. Once you've digested all of that if you have any SPECIFIC questions come back and ask.
He's BAAACK! Quick Where's the Ignore Feature?!
Spock:::" Captain, I find this human to be quite illogical"
Kirk:::" Set phasers to Ignore Mr. Chekov!"
thanks thats all i needed to know, I appreciate the help. I just wanted to make sure I could do it.
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