Mace Windu Lightsaber Prop Store Auction

one question I have, if there ever was a metal version, did the side-holes in the emitter reach to the center? I always wondered if they just touched and made dimples or it was a "burner" set-up that got filled in with clay for casting
I believe that the saber that S Jackson has on his power it a metal, because he said in an interview that the production team, after wrapping, marked the saber (i think it was acid etching) on the upper section with the letters BMF and gave it to him as a present.
Those two pictures of Sam also nicely show the BMF that is etched near the emitter

I wouldn't say "nicely", I was quite disappointed when seeing the actual "etching"

I swear I remember seeing photos of a metal Hero back in the day in promo pics as well as at one of the costume exhibitions back In the day but I can't confirm that. These are old pics that have been around forever.


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I swear I remember seeing photos of a metal Hero back in the day in promo pics as well as at one of the costume exhibitions back In the day but I can't confirm that. These are old pics that have been around forever.

It's a little hard to tell for me but something about those photos (at least one of them) looks like a Master Replicas promotional image. But I'm going off of a 20 year old memory, although I swear I recall seeing that image on the right in an MR promo.
As far as accuracy, I'm sure there were some idealizations made, but MR also captured a lot of the details that others haven't.
Also depends which version is being replicated. There are so many different versions between the heroes and resin copies.

Here's something that MR might have done themselves to hold the covertec, definitely better looking than what is on the resin hero.
yeah I posted more pics of the OWK in another thread, I forget which one though...prequel reference something something I think
The Director of the Lucasfilm Archives (2023). has stated that there are no props from the prequels that have been released into the wild. If some are out there they can only be copies made by the props team and not screen used.
The interview is below.
The Director of the Lucasfilm Archives (2023). has stated that there are no props from the prequels that have been released into the wild. If some are out there they can only be copies made by the props team and not screen used.
The interview is below.

I think this was brought up in another thread discussion but it might be that they're referring to any props officially released by LFL. We know that statement is not true taking it at face value. Most of the props sold through Propstore came from people who either were gifted these things, people who worked on them kept copies, or took the props home with them after production wrapped. Some of the best reference material to come out for PT hand props recently came from Nick Gillard's possession who was surprisingly gifted quite a lot of stuff after RotS wrapped.
I never even noticed that after just looking at these photos! You see it very clearly here on the Propstore auction.

View attachment 1843226

Oh now I see what you mean. That’s very weird. The silver chrome strips in between the gold bars are raised up in some areas. Never seen that before but definitely speaks to it being resin that warped.
Oh now I see what you mean. That’s very weird. The silver chrome strips in between the gold bars are raised up in some areas. Never seen that before but definitely speaks to it being resin that warped.
It might be the case. That resin cast is all Straight