Luke Skywalker photo help, please


Well-Known Member
Can anyone PM, email or post for me this photo of Luke SKywalker please?

It's from the promotional studio photo session for Empire. I need it without the rest of the montage in front of him, if possible. I know I've seen it somewhere but I've been through all of my books and old magazines and can't find it.


Thanks in advance.
is it just me or is that a terrible (or good depending on what you fancy) spot to put Han and Leia doing that? Sort of backs up the looks on everyones faces doesnt it.
It might be small but it's in focus. A slightly bigger one of that would be fabulous.
Rebelscum were kind enought fo feature our first 3D poster on their news page.

Of course, I can't tell you what I'm working on at the moment.