Hi all. I am looking into making or buying a Luke Skywalker bespin fatigue costume. Anyone have any leads or ideas on how to accomplish this? I would prefer to purchase one as I am not great at sewing. Thanks in advance for your help.
Don't know how 'screen accurate' it may be, if you're determined for that, but the old fan club used to sell the jacket. Might be worth a search on ebay. But I'm sure there are some on here that make it. Don't know yet as I'm new to here myself.
My brother and I have both been looking for this exact jacket that was offered by the fan club. It is supoosed to be accurate... Our searches have uncovered child size jackets floating around here and there, but not much else.
I recommend that you simply find a pattern that seems to be close to the style and modify the things you need. My brother actually drew his own pattern for a jacket when he made his 4 year old son that exact costume for halloween one year... looked great too.
Thanks for the advice. It looks like that is what I will have to do. I am finding that there is not much out there in regards to this venture. :cry Great job on the little one's costume.
I'm looking at the pictures of the club jacket. It looks like cotton denim in a muted tan color. Does anyone know if the originals were of the same material & color?
My brother actually drew his own pattern for a jacket when he made his 4 year old son that exact costume for halloween one year... looked great too.