Looking for the 1:2500 decals for Enterprise D


New Member
I have the 3 enterprise set (TOS, Movie, NG) and if you have seen it, you know the D is so very bland. No windows, no lifeboats, no nothing other than the ID and phasers. I have heard and seen that there are some people who have made decals for this model that include all the lifeboats, windows AND teh aztec pattern, but have been unable to find any... does anyone here know where I could find them? I checked federation models, and they don't have any. I hard that Absolute Models has them, but I have no idea how to contact them... help!
Yep, I have that exact set on my 3 piece model. Absolut Models lists and sells on e-bay which is where I got mine. I used to have the guy's e-mail addy, I'll try and find it for you. The decals are awesome!
Yep, I have that exact set on my 3 piece model. Absolut Models lists and sells on e-bay which is where I got mine. I used to have the guy's e-mail addy, I'll try and find it for you. The decals are awesome! His name is David Tomita. I can't find his web site, though.