Looking for reference pictures for Blade 1 movie shotgun

Gideon Vanguard

Well-Known Member
I've googled and googled but can't seem to find any decent pictures of Blade's shotgun from the original movie. For the most part screen caps are way too dark to provide any decent detail. Anybody have any reference photos lying around that they might be able to help me out with? I'm working on a 1/6 scale Blade bash and need to make a shotgun.

I would appreciate any help you could provide.
Very cool site! Haven't stumbled across this one yet! Thanks!

Here is a .rar file with screenshots featuring the gun:



Thanks for the great screen caps Thomas. I don't have powerdvd on my current computer and was having to freeze frame and trying remember the details. I now have a much better grasp of what the spike launcher looked like on the front of the barrel.

Yep. I am only a Padawan learner. Thomas is the Jedi Master of all things Blade.

But, if you need more photos, I took over 3000 screen shots of the entire movie. LOL

Im sick! hahaha