Looking for Marvel Comics costumers again :)


Well-Known Member
Hey gang!

I hope you enjoyed "Marvel Masterpieces II" and thanks so much for your participation (see pic below)!

Once again, I'd love the opportunity to draw some of you for a couple upcoming trading card sets! I'm looking for members of the Fantastic Four and key heroes and villains from their history for "Fantastic Four Archives" and any fun or exciting characters from the Marvel universe for "Marvel Masterpieces III".

As before, here's the scoop:
1) Looking for models to action pose in costumes that are comic book versions of Marvel characters. I'm not allowed to illustrate film versions since they are a different license, but if the costumes are close, I can change them in the illustration.

2) Can't promise to draw everyone as it takes longer to get a sketch to resemble your photo. But, would love to sneak in illustrations of as many fellow costumers as my deadlines allow.

3) Ideally, I'd like to be able to browse and download high quality photos from an online source (your own website, Flickr, Photobucket, etc) or have them emailed to me. My email is: justin@wfcomics.com

Also, please forgive me, I do not have a MySpace account so I can't view any pics there.

4) EDIT: I've been give a bit more time to work on these projects, so I should be able to choose from pics I get by Sept 2.

Post here or email me with any questions and comments you have.

Finally, great seeing and meeting some of you at Comic-Con! For those of you I haven't met yet, please feel free to introduce yourself. I love making new friends :)!

Highest Regards!

Justin =)

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I'll toss my Ghost Rider up into the mix for ya! Here's a few shots, some with, some without PS.




and a poster a buddy did up for me
Don't forget some more bad guys. Here's my Apocalypse made by Davidyr1.


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I don't have many shots of my Angel costume, but here's my favorite. :cool
This is a great pic! Unfortunately, in addition to movie versions, I'm not allowed to draw Ultimate or Zombie versions in my current projects.

Buuut, everyone, still feel free to send me these pics. Who knows, I might be able to use them on a future project. Or, if the costumes are close to the main Marvel Universe (Earth-616) version, I might be able to change them in the illustration. And yes, I know I'm a dork for knowing it's called Earth-616... or that the Ultimate universe is called Earth-1610:$...

Whoa! didn't know there were more marvel costumers here you guys look great!

Agreed! I love the Ghost Rider and ChicagoVader has some great poses!

For those of you who might be willing to take some new pics this week or weekend, here are some suggestions for ya:
1) Go for some fun action as well as exaggerated poses! Hyper extended punches, pretending to use your powers (I can draw power bolts, glowing hands, etc. in for ya), looking like your about to go into a sprint or take off for flight, stopping, crushing, or lifting something, etc.

2) Show off your costume! Try not to obscure or block your insignia or favorite costume details in some of the pic. You worked hard on them!

3) Indoor flash photos still work great. But if want to have some fun with lighting, for a few of your pics, try using a single bright light source and turn off your flash for dramatic shadows and see how they turn out (you might be surprised!). And, of course, if you live somewhere sunny and pleasant, outdoor natural lighting is nice too!​
Finally, I can never have too many choices! Do not feel restricted on what you can email me or show me on your website or online photo sharing accounts.

Maybe to keep this thread from getting too bogged down only post your favorites pics within this thread, but don't feel the same limitations on what to show or send me.

Thanks again!

Justin =)
Here are some pics of "Silver Age" Spidey, which is what he looks like when he first met the Fantastic 4 and tried to join them ;)



Hey gang,

I've been give a bit more time to work on these projects, so I should be able to choose from pics I get by Sept 2.

Justin =)
This is a great pic! Unfortunately, in addition to movie versions, I'm not allowed to draw Ultimate or Zombie versions in my current projects.
I was able to use this pic after all!

Ditko Spidey will always be the best
Yeah, I love the Ditko Spidey!

Thanks again to everyone who replied to my call for pics of Marvel costumers! I found ways to use many of you on some of my "Marvel Masterpieces III" sketch cards and one for "Fantastic Four Archives".

Sorry for not posting this sooner, I've been way busy... and still am! While it's unfortunate that I will be sleep deprived for at least the next few months, the good news is I have more opportunities to draw some of you. Stay tuned for a new costume-call-out post :).

Like my "Marvel Masterpieces II" cards, I hope you like these too!

Justin =)
