looking for a decent master chief lid


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I need help in trying to locate a decent version of the Halo Master Chief helmet for my future project, I don't know were to start looking, had a look at flea bay and nothng to shout about, so I would appreciate any help or guidance on this guys! thanks.
Hi guys, I need help in trying to locate a decent version of the Halo Master Chief helmet for my future project, I don't know were to start looking, had a look at flea bay and nothng to shout about, so I would appreciate any help or guidance on this guys! thanks.

In my opinion the best MKVI so far is the "Legendary Armor" (Sci-Fire) version, you can see more about their project at legendaryarmor.com I don't know if they offer them anymore so, it may be difficult to find one. Another really nice version is the "BlueRealm" There have been a few. Have a look on 405th.com occasionally there is some nice work on that site.
In my opinion the best MKVI so far is the "Legendary Armor" (Sci-Fire) version, you can see more about their project at legendaryarmor.com I don't know if they offer them anymore so, it may be difficult to find one. Another really nice version is the "BlueRealm" There have been a few. Have a look on 405th.com occasionally there is some nice work on that site.

Thanks for the advice, I'll definately take a look at those!!
I'm fairly sure the Ledgendary armor are done. I've been trying to contact them for some time with no luck.
I'm fairly sure the Ledgendary armor are done. I've been trying to contact them for some time with no luck.

Had a look at their website and can't email them, so it looks like you may be right there bro! So I'm still looking for a lid, maybe searching for the Holy Grail would be easier??? lol. Dropped Blue realm an Email, awaiting their reply, will update as and when they get back to me, until then the search continues!
Had a look at their website and can't email them, so it looks like you may be right there bro! So I'm still looking for a lid, maybe searching for the Holy Grail would be easier??? lol. Dropped Blue realm an Email, awaiting their reply, will update as and when they get back to me, until then the search continues!

PM sent
Scifire have a progress thread on the board here
They must have only done a dozen of them or so. I was very lucky


thats mine, I cant decide what colour to paint it, so it just sits for the time being...
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Yea, I want one of the LA helmets sooooo bad...was so close at one point lol Oh well..NZJedi, how many paints have you been testing? I gather that the lighting in the game throws off the color quite a bit, but overall, I feel that it's an olive drab mixed with a dark green. That's what I see though
I used a green/gold paint that I made for the BSG viper boots and it works really nice for the Halo line.

My LA and blue realm (just sold the BR)

Just the LA helmet, painted but not weatherd. I still need to finish this up but I would lie to get the visor they made for these.
I'm not sure what colour to do mine, I think if I did it an MC green, I'd do a much darker green, try to make a more real world interpretation of it. I found the colour palette in Halo 3 to be a bit "candy land" the bright blues and reds all look like they belong in a happy meal.
I"m in the process of painting this one up in the style of the Blomkamp shorts, so I may paint the MKVI in a similar style, as they'll most likely end up sitting beside each other. I like the more gritty realism that Weta's "colouring in department" approached the design with. The problem is, the raw MKVI cast is just so perfect, I don't want to touch it lol

and CMAN, I'm in the same boat as you with the visor. I may make an opaque visor for display at some point.

SoulSearcher, you may want to try a chap called Thorsolli, I believe he offers quite a nice MKVI as well.
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I used a green/gold paint that I made for the BSG viper boots and it works really nice for the Halo line.

My LA and blue realm (just sold the BR)

Just the LA helmet, painted but not weatherd. I still need to finish this up but I would lie to get the visor they made for these.

That looks really good actually..what paints did you use?