Lilo sentenced to 90 days...

For a minute, I was thinking you meant Lilo from Lilo and Stitch :lol

Dinsey does a new picture..... Lilo, the solitary years!!
Talk about an actress on a movie site, blasphemy...

Train wreck or not it's more on topic for this forum than a lot of the post here...
There's a term I've never heard... Lilo. Hey if Robert Downy Jr. can do this a hundred times and still make Iron Man, I think there's hope for her.
Come on guys can we raise the bar a little here.

Teeny-bopper news really need to be reposted here?

Sorry, but in MY BOOK more like SPOILED ASSED CELEB
finally being FORCED to live by the damn LAWS the rest
of us mere mortals have to contend with !

ZERO pity for her.. :rolleyes
Good!!! Glad to see she "got" what she "deserved".
I think anyone who I see as successful, who got anything I did not, who has more money then me, who is more famous then me, or is more popular then me needs to be punished. Of course if it was me, or someone I actually knew and cared about I would feel different, but come on - I love to see people that are rich and/or powerful fail, it makes me and my pathetic life seem better. No one should be more successful, popular or good looking them me. Nothing makes me happier then to see others I am really deep down jealous of doing poorly. Of course I will never admit that when confronted on it. I will point out the perceived flaws of others, and try to make the case how bad someone I don't really know is, anything but actually admit to the emotions behind it - that would just be wrong. :rolleyes
Class Envy - gotta love it!
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Good!!! Glad to see she "got" what she "deserved".
I think anyone who I see as successful, who got anything I did not, who has more money then me, who is more famous then me, or is more popular then me needs to be punished. Of course if it was me, or someone I actually knew and cared about I would feel different, but come on - I love to see people that are rich and/or powerful fail, it makes me and my pathetic life seem better. No one should be more successful, popular or good looking them me. Nothing makes me happier then to see others I am really deep down jealous of doing poorly. :rolleyes
Class Envy - gotta love it!

:lol yes

Actually I feel pretty sorry for her. I think a ot of the responsibility should lay with the parents. I mean how old was she when she hit mega-super-stardom? A little common sense could have told them that she wouldn't benefit from the paparazzi lifestyle. But hey... common sense is about as common as a grocery store magazine without a "lilo" article.
Looks like someone already updated her wax statue:lol