LF closeups of Firefly control panels


Active Member
I'm a real user interface junkie, and have been looking for good image references to the control panels from Firefly - specifically on the ship's bridge. It really reminds me of the game Fallout.

Anyone know of a good reference for that kind of thing?
After all it's still the best Sci-fi series of all times, huh?! (beside nuBSG)
Thanks for posting the flickr reference pictures!
Yeah - that flickr link was talked about in the Serenity Galley Table thread (I'm *not* Jedifyfing!) and when I saw all the cool control panels... wow.

Here's a funny for ya: as I was looking at the pictures of the control panels, I was getting deeper and deeper into it. After about the sixth picture, I said to myself. "Jeez! How were they even able to get that ship off the ground, let alone *fly* it?" Then my oh-so-boring rational self said "You *do* realize what you just said?" :lol

Suspension of disbelief, anyone?