Legolas Quiver and Lurtz Quiver Lord of the Rings


Sr Member
So i made a replica of the "quiver" (more like a pouch to me) that Lurtz uses in The Fellowship of the ring! what do you guys think? Feathers for the arrows are a little off because i could not find the right material ANYWHERE....the ones used in the movie are some sort of hair...

and then i made a replica of Legolas' quiver...still needs the straps, and i need buckles for it too... i have some repainting to do and some touch ups...
I thought they were too, but looking through millions of screen caps i noticed that like legolas' knives they seem to change tints.. sometimes black, sometimes a hint of yellow, sometime they are painted so that you will see a different color depending on the light.... i guess the camera picked up yellow....let me see if i can get another pic...they really arent that yellow in person! haha!
ugh it keeps showing up yellow...but thats ok...they will be replaced as soon as i can find the right material to use... and i think for the lurtz arrows, the shafts should be thicker!
Quite nice! What are the quivers made of?

haha the legolas one is made of a cardboard base for the shape.... wrapped in those craft "foamies" covered in faux leather.... and the lurtz one is just faux leather with the foamies lining the inside to keep that squared shape
So, they are sort of iridescent? Interesting.

I think the quivers look pretty good, especially considering what they are made from.
I searched another forum, if they are any photos of my quiver left, but I think they were deleted from imageshack...

The only one I found is this, and on this pic the peacock is still missing and some other details...


I made that quiver in 2005 from a paper roll, some metal parts, a little bit filler and some polystyrol... Painting is made by me, too... Looks nice but far away from a perfect quiver... Maybe you have got some detail pics of your quiver?!? I think your quiver looks awesome...