They make a beautiful model.......except for those glowing phasers. It's an interesting addition, but not screen accurate. Iwonder if that was the customers request.
<div class='quotetop'>(Bryancd @ Aug 22 2006, 10:11 AM) [snapback]1305140[/snapback]</div>
They make a beautiful model.......except for those glowing phasers. It's an interesting addition, but not screen accurate. Iwonder if that was the customers request.
Good observation... in fact it was a request by a customer that ended up being asked for more frequently as I understand it. John told me that, when asked for, he places in the lit phasers that fire in random patterns.

I do agree though.. they will not be placed in mine..lol.
My only comments on such a spectacular rendition of the E-A are the hot spots in both the nav deflector and the impulse engines. Those point source LED's need more diffusion.

But...but...this is STILL one First Rate Ship of the Line, make no mistake.
Many thanks, Kurt man for the explain. :thumbsup Whew, ok, at least now I know its still the USS Enterprise coz I been calling it the USS Enterprise before I even know what is Refit. :lol

Man, those pictures are way too sickening. :lol :D :thumbsup I seen a lot of Refit built and even tho they are very nice in their own way but John's work caught my attention big time. Even before I knew who John was. He should pat himself on his back for jobs so well done. (I mean pat on his own shoulder.)

Man, that interior works are first class. Look at those railings. All in all, simply the best... :thumbsup

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