King Kong (2005) Props


Well-Known Member
Well anybody got something?
Some props we could try to make:
Carl's Chocolate
SKull Island Map
Bottles of Chloroform
Tommy gun
The Native's skeleton stuff
The Handgun
Different addvert posters from New York (Like the "Come and se Carl Denhams amazing Kong")
Thats what i have in my mind now
Ive got a half finished Skull ISland map (Not enough reference to finish it though), and I have a gas bomb which was shown in the crate with the chloroform.



Someone here sold a set of paper props (not replicas) months ago. There was a theatre booklet (8th Wonder of the World.) and a couple of NY newspapers, as I recall.
Originally posted by Ivanhotep@Dec 18 2005, 06:28 PM
Someone here sold a set of paper props (not replicas) months ago. There was a theatre booklet (8th Wonder of the World.) and a couple of NY newspapers, as I recall.

That was (name removed), who also had a Skull Island Map as well in that set.Ended up selling to a private seller off the RPF in New Zealand.
I started a thread on the Kong map last week that died of loneliness. Here's a pic of the back of the map I enlarged from an ad in Variety. Can one of the photoshop guys help clean it up a bit.

The newspapers used in the 2005 Kong were quite plentiful at the time, but I'm sure they were destroyed after shooting. The Dominion Post printed them if I remember correctly.

The chocolate CD was trying to win the kid over with is just period Hersheys, right?

EDIT: And DS, I love your work. Everything you do is great. I can't wait to see the finished map. :)
Originally posted by CTF@Dec 18 2005, 09:27 PM
The newspapers used in the 2005 Kong were quite plentiful at the time, but I'm sure they were destroyed after shooting. The Dominion Post printed them if I remember correctly.

The chocolate CD was trying to win the kid over with is just period Hersheys, right?

EDIT: And DS, I love your work. Everything you do is great. I can't wait to see the finished map. :)

I was lucky enough to be sent some scan's of those papers and the map, I'll see if I can find them.

* My mistake I thought the buyer of the KONG props wasn't a member here on the RPF. Have been asked by the new owner via P.M not too post the scans.
Damn.Well I can understand the new owner but he have no rigth to deny you to post the scans(well he has if it is he who have scanned them, and therefore owns the rigth to them), But if it was the seller who scanned the props you can post the scans of the items. Here is an example: i made the artwork for let's say a Marauders map from hp, i get these printed and i sell one of them to a member here, then the member can't deny me to post the scans.
But it's your choice if you won't to post them or not(if he don't own the rigth for the scans :p )
Hello to everabody :)
I´m new and this is my first post.
Do sombody knwo a source for original King Kong props?
Thank you for your help
Originally posted by tobinambur@Dec 19 2005, 09:38 AM
Hello to everabody  :)
I´m new and this is my first post.
Do sombody knwo a source for original King Kong props?
Thank you for your help

Did you see this thread?

Someone on this thread I believe made the map as well.
Easy enough to make from a screen cap.

Hey Everyone-

If anyone wants to make the Nestle's Chocolate Bar I have the wrapper for everyone. I found it online at one of my WW2 Reactment Sites. Enjoy.

Nestle's Wrapper

Very cool, or should I say SWEET. :D

I spent a few hours the other evening looking for it and came up with zip.

Some pix from an earlier thread.

(Plane cockpit panel
The Wall
Rifles/native clubs
I have to say I thought it would be cool to have the Bruce Baxter film posters that he had displayed in his cabin. With or without grafitti :lol

Cheers Chris.
Here's my contribution:

A screen grab of the scene in the S. S. Venture's cargo hold showing both the chloroform bottles and the 1933 RKO gas bombs:


Here's the discussion thread about the RKO bombs:

I first posted about the Chloroform bottles there, but then remembered this thread. :$

So after a quick Google search I found a major distributor that sells these:


The bottle looks dead on and they offer black caps. :)

Here's a shot denoting scale:


I figure from the photo (using 3 1/2" for the clenched hand based on my own) that the bottle height is approx. 11 1/4" from the bottom to the base of the neck and the diameter is about 5 1/4". Guess I'll have to call the company and ask if they know the height & diameter of each bottle number... Feel free to do your own scaling and let me know if you think I'm close or off. :)

I also notice from the first posted screen grab that some of the bottles have short necks while others have long necks, but the long necks remind me too much of moonshine jugs or cheap Sangria... :p Can't tell which type is being gripped in the above shot.

Here's a close-up of the label, also from a screen grab:


Best magnification I could do before loosing too much detail:


I think it reads TRICHLOROMETHANE directly beneath the word "CHLOROFORM," but I can't make out the others...

Looking for better grabs - and please don't ask me who my source is. :angel

- Gabe