K-9 build (Dr. Who)


New Member
Hi All.

I've done a bit of reading about making a K-9 replica, but most of the information is no longer up to date.

I've managed to find some plans, but don't know if these were the ones that were being previously recommended. The ones I have say at the top "K9 is BBC, but these unofficial plans are provided to assist fans..." There is a sideways and top view on the first page, with a total of 9 pages.
I'm not sure how to print out things big enough to transfer to a piece of wood or styrene. Any advice there would be appreciated.

It looks like styene and wood were the preferred materials. Are flatpacks still available from someone? I'm not sure how one would make the rounded part of the nose or rounded part of the top-body. Can someone advise me about what tools I'd need for that?

Also, the links I've found no longer take me to sites that have the lighted panel buttons, etc. If there's an updated parts list (incuding a side LCD panel), please let me know.

I've not found files for his voice yet, if anyone has them.

The last thing I was wondering about was what color he's supposed to be (mark IV).

Many thanks in advance,

Roseville, CA
Frank.... You would be better posting this in the Replica Props section. There have been several builds there. Do a search and you'll find them. Also google K9 builders. They have a new site with all the plans and info you need.
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