Jurassic Park maps??


Master Member
We had a couple guys offer these up, right?

Curious about what's available. :confused

We had a couple guys offer these up, right?

Curious about what's available. :confused


Me too - there are various free paper props available but a solid well-printed run on accurate paper would go down well, I think.
I know the TLW map is out there of the 5 islands used in the movie.
I also know there are 'some' maps of the islands marked with points in the movie.

Personally I'd love to get my hands on the 5 islands map in large format for printing and framing.
Here are pictures of the brochure that I got from the ashfrank run.

I have a couple from the Ashfrank run as well. They are very good scans of a screen used or production made piece. The saturation is off a bit as well as just a bit of loss of sharpness of detail but otherwise, great replicas.
I just got a pile of these in trade.

They're reprints of what appears to be a promo flyer.

The back reads, "For more information and exact operating hours refer to the movie section in your local newspaper."

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