Jurassic Park Cryo-Can?


New Member
Hi all,

I've just joined in the hope of getting some info that could lead to getting my hands on a replica Barbasol cryo-can from Jurassic Park (complete with vials+labels). Ever since I saw this movie in 1993 I've wanted one. I recently came across a collector who had one and it has re-ignited my interest.

Could anyone here point me in the right direction? Several people have pointed me towards the people here at TheRPF, even a professional company.

I know they rarely come up on ebay and I don't know where else to look. I've contacted Rylo (a customer of his recommended I do so) as I believe he custom built some in the past? Other than that can anyone help me get my hands on one? How much would it set me back?

I'm hoping to slowly add to my collection, which at the moment, just consists of a piece of the red weed from the War of the Worlds movie set.
I was able to get my hands on two during a recent run and they ran for $150 each

eBay auctions generally go a lot higher because you have the entire world bidding. I'm not sure if another run is scheduled....but I'd highly recommend getting one because as you no doubt know....they ARE awesome!!

Keep your eyes peeled and hopefully one of the guys who did the runs will chime in stating they have a spare going.
I was able to get my hands on two during a recent run and they ran for $150 each

eBay auctions generally go a lot higher because you have the entire world bidding. I'm not sure if another run is scheduled....but I'd highly recommend getting one because as you no doubt know....they ARE awesome!!

Keep your eyes peeled and hopefully one of the guys who did the runs will chime in stating they have a spare going.

Thanks Tony, $150 is extremely reasonable. Were those two from Rylo?

I saw one for sale on the internet earlier for $350 but it's US only. I'm in Ireland. The next closest I found was a movie prop site in the UK where the owner MAY choose to sell for £600!! :cry Madness.
ONe just sold on the UK ebay for $450. I don't think you'll find anymore for $150. I am pretty sure Rylo had a couple extra for $250 recently in the Junkyard.
Thanks Tony, $150 is extremely reasonable. Were those two from Rylo?

I saw one for sale on the internet earlier for $350 but it's US only. I'm in Ireland. The next closest I found was a movie prop site in the UK where the owner MAY choose to sell for £600!! :cry Madness.

Not the Rylo's one at $150. His model is about $299 built if I remember correctly. The new run at $150 was in kit form and by Nicksdad or another RPF member...I don't remember who exactly !!!
Nicksdad may have a few leftover.

Rylo also might have a few leftover as well
I got mine from Nicksdad who did the most recent run I believe.

It was the can, vials and labels...you just had to fill the liquid and attach the labels.