Judge Minty- Judge Dredd fan film- 1st Day shoot pics


Sr Member
Just to let you know the 1st scheduled filming of our Judge Dredd based fan film- Judge Minty- took place on the 14th December on a very cold day in Sheffield, UK.
Following a lot of pre production work which is recorded on the 'Judge Minty' Group on Face Book, or here:

we were able to put our dreams into production and begin filming.
The film is being shot in Hi-Def, on a Canon, a model also being tested by LucasFilm:

Extras were sourced from willing fans on the 2000ad website:

although our principle actor is a professional-Edmund Dehn- his last film, interestingly, was 'Spoon' directed by Sharlto Copley, the actor from District 9 !

As for props- most were modified nerfs and toys, which we painted up and customised. I built the Dredd/ Judges costume over a long period of tests and adaptions- they, thankfully, have been well received by the hard to please 2000AD fans, who still are licking their wounds from the Stallone film....

The Kovaks mob costumes were a team effort. We hope you like the pics!

The film is a short, 15 mins, to enable us to enter it into competitions and comic cons. Self funded, it is based on an early strip penned by John Wagner, and features an ailing Judge (Minty) who has to retire from the Justice Dept, 'taking the law to the lawless' by leaving Mega City One, to take the Long Walk into the Cursed Earth.




A teaser pic of our Judge Dredd, played by the renowned comic book artist Greg Staples:

This is a non profit fan film, funded by its creators and is not intended to impose on any existing ownerships- its just for fun!
Looks great so far , shall look forward to seeing more progress.

That looks awfully like Simon Palmer in the Kovaks Mob, you kept that quiet smurf :cool
hah, Yes that was Simon....had the time of his life too!
Ill try to take pics of the various props I made up, plenty to follow too ;-)
Looks awesome!

Wishing I lived in the UK...

BTW, do you have to worry about a rolling shutter issue with the dslr?

Man. Seeing a proper Judge like that is just... bravo sir. Can't wait to see the film! :)
I had a smile on my face all day as the Judge's costumes are so great!!..That's me in the grey/black costume next to the guy in Orange in the third picture...It was a great..great day...I'll never forget it..!
hah! I never knew that was you nick!
BMX and Cars too???????

I'll ask about the rolling shutter issue with the camera, Steve was very happy with its performance though....
Reply from Steve RE the camera :
"In answer to the guy's question - yeah you have to be careful - there was one shot which is a bit iffy, but generally it was pretty good, and I've got an XH-A1 for anything where the camera's moving a lot more (which is 3CCD, so no rolling shutter)"
This just keeps getting better :D The more you tease the more I want to see it all NOW!!!
Outstanding the amount of work & people thats been enticed onto this project.

This is really coming along nicely and i wish this project all the attention it so rightly deserves.

great team effort.

I'm only sort of familiar with the comic books but I can honestly say, that looks AWESOME! I can't wait to see this!
I can not wait to see this. Beautiful work.

I couldn't see if this had been answered, but is there a chance a run of Dredd armour will be in the future?
Nice! I recently worked on a shoot where we used that particular camera, and got great results. Looking forward to seeing this develop.
Wow, the costumes look great. Good luck on your shoot.

I think it's VERY interesting that the new DSLRs can do hi-def video. That really opens up filming options to a LOT of people.