Judge Dredd costume - Comic book version (Judge Minty)

Max Replica

Well-Known Member
This isn't so much a "build" thread as it is a "buy" thread, since I'll be buying and assembling most of this costume, and letting other folks that I purchase from do most of the building (with some modifications by me).

Anyway, here's my Judge Dredd (comic book version) in progress. Updates will be sporadic and infrequent but I will have the whole thing done and ready to wear for this year's San Diego Comic-Con.

BILLY CLUB (aka "day stick")
I bought a genuine wood police baton online. Dredd is sometimes depicted with a more modern straight stick, but he usually has the more old-school shape so that's what I opted for. I've got one extra one too if someone needs one. (just PM me). The only thing I don't like about this particular club is the flat end, which I plan to sand to round it off.

Like the great costumes created for Judge Minty, I went with some motocross boots. Not the same boots they used for Minty, but very similar.
The problem with motocross boots is that they are not made for walking, they're made to protect your feet while you ride, and they're very uncomfortable to walk in for more than a few minutes (it's kind of like walking in ski boots).
I have a very talented shoe maker and leather expert that I work with and he showed me the problem: Between the sole of the boot and where your foot rests is a very hard plastic piece, with a metal shank. So we removed the sole of the boot, took out the hard piece and then put on a new rugged boot sole. The boots are still a bit stiff overall, but WAY more comfortable than they were before. We also added a little height to make me taller (more Dredd-like) without it being an obvious platform shoe.

Here are some photos of the boots as I bought them:
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Some pictures of the sole removed, as well as the hard plastic midsole:
View attachment 52519
Another shot of the white midsole that we removed (you can barely see the metal piece inside):
View attachment 52520
The new soles, now much more comfortable and much more Dredd-like:
View attachment 52521
I will be removing the logos from the boots, putting on some Dredd-style toe caps and painting them green. More on those as they develop.

Like the Minty costumes, I decided against doing a one-piece leather suit. They're more expensive, hotter, harder to get to fit properly, and harder to get in and out of.
Instead, I'll be using a leather jacket and leather pants combo, with the utility belt used to hide the seam between the two. With any luck, it will look like a one-piece outfit.

Since this would be a bespoke/custom jacket, I decided to contact South Beach Leather about having one made to my specs. I've bought from them many times before since I feel like they offer the best value for money for leather (I know that others have had problems with them in the past, but I've ordered about ten items from them over the years, with few problems).
I needed a jacket with no pockets whatsoever, a single zipper up the middle, no seams on the back and a v-shape/athletic fit. One thing I like about SBL is that their items can be ordered to custom sizes at no extra charge (though custom-made items are not returnable, obviously). I ordered this jacket in a very tight fit, but it could easily be ordered a little looser.
SBL's prices have gone up a bit recently, but I still think the price I paid for this custom-made jacket was less than I could've gotten it for elsewhere, and the leather is very good quality.

Note about back seams: It can be rare to find an inexpensive leather jacket with no seams on the back, but I wanted it for this. It usually adds expense to a jacket because it means that a single very large piece of leather with no flaws must be used for the back of the jacket, as opposed to two smaller pieces of leather stitched together.

The jacket features a zipper that stops just below the stand-up collar (similar to how Dredd is usually drawn) and the collar is 1 1/4" high.
I am currently talking to SBL about adding this item to their website for other fans to order, so let me know if you would be interested in one.
They also offer leather pants that can be ordered with no pockets and no belt loops to finish off the faux one-piece leather outfit look.

I will soon be sewing some velcro onto the jacket in order to attach my shoulderpads and badge.
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I'm probably going to do a false chin for this costume as well, inspired by Mr. Bungle's efforts.

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Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

Looking great!

Brilliant work making the boots walkable! Those leathers look spot on, better than the ones we have for Minty as they're fitted bespoke for you.

The Minty ones are worn by lot of different people and obviously fit some better than others.

Looking forward to see this coming together!
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

Standing on the shoulders of giants always makes it easier to reach new heights.
; )
Thanks for paving the way.
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

nice idea on the boots. loving the jacket!!!!
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

The leather jacket is NOW AVAILABLE from Southbeach leather.
It is currently mistakenly listed as a Stallone-version jacket, but the other info in the listing is correct. I've just emailed them telling them to change it to make it clear that this is the comic book version.
Judge Dredd Jacket starring Sylvester Stallone Jacket
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

SWEET!!! i am ordering mine this week!
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

Amazing stuff man!
I agree that the two-piece leathers works better!
Looking forward to see you fully suited up! :)
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

The leather jacket is NOW AVAILABLE from Southbeach leather.
It is currently mistakenly listed as a Stallone-version jacket, but the other info in the listing is correct. I've just emailed them telling them to change it to make it clear that this is the comic book version.
Judge Dredd Jacket starring Sylvester Stallone Jacket

Cool are they going to be doing the trousers as well?

Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

For trousers, all somebody would need are the Southbeach MFP/Mad Max pants already available on their site. (that's the American definition of pants obviously)
But when ordering those, one should specify that they want the pants with NO POCKETS AT ALL and NO BELT LOOPS. (Sometimes the Mad Max pants come with front pockets, and they usually come with belt loops).
I don't think the no belt loops is enough of a variation for Southbeach to offer the Dredd pants as a separate item).

For my trousers, I'm also cutting away part of the leather that covers the zipper, to give the illusion that the jacket zipper continues lower, the way a one-piece suit zipper would.

I'll be posting photos of the outfit with the trousers soon.

UPDATE - SBL now offers the Judge Dredd leather pants on the same page with their jacket. And they automatically come with no pockets and no belt loops.
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Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

Someone I know just ordered a jacket from SBL and theirs had a seam down the back. This is incorrect. I expect SBL will fix it for them, but I suppose it's worth mentioning when you order that you want "no seam on the back of the jacket".
There is sometimes a language barrier with SBL and they sometimes make mistakes. They're usually good about correcting them, but sending the stuff back and waiting for it to be redone is still a hassle best avoided.
Most of their jackets (most leather jackets in general) do have a seam down the back so that's probably why they forgot.)

ALSO: Pics of my complete outfit are coming very soon (like hopefully today). Sorry for the delay.
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

Okay, time to start posting some pics. First, the boots. And I need some input on these from you guys:
Here they are with the toe pieces added (made by Custom Creations):
View attachment 55719
Now after being painted green. Some fake leather shin guards were added to give them a tougher look and to cover up the large Fox logos:
View attachment 55713
And finally, after I added some diluted black acrylic in places to give them more of a weathered look:
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Question - Should I leave those side buckles silver? Or should I paint those green too? What about the rivets on the shin guards?

Also, should I add a boot knife? Like this:
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The sheath would be painted green to match the boots, but I was thinking of leaving the knife handle black. Dredd sometimes is drawn with a boot knife. The difference is that mine would be on the inside of the left boot, rather than the outside (it's too hard to put it on the outside because of all of the straps and buckles).
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

Looking cool! More pictures!

Is the knife a dummy?

It might be a tad big for a boot knife, but I don't think there is a definitive size on Dredd's, so I suppose it's up to you.

I've always wondered why Dredd calls stuff out just before he does it, like "boot knife" or "Hi-Ex!"

Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

The knife is real. Just a cheap survival knife from eBay. Yeah, it's big. I need to see how it looks with my leg in the boot etc.. I'm worried it may be a tad too big to wear on the inside of my leg without rubbing against my other leg when I walk.
Dredd's boot knife is usually shown pretty big in the comics (when they bother to include it), but then again, everything in the comics is a bit oversized.
I have a Gerber Mk II for my Mad Max costume that I can try using. It's smaller. And I have a resin version of that I could use for Cons. But it didn't have enough of a "Dredd" look for my taste.
We'll see.
Dredd calling stuff out - yeah, I know. For things like "hi-ex" I always assumed his gun had voice-activated ammo selection. But somehow I doubt he has a voice-activated boot knife...

More pics coming...
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

I've seen that mask in person, no doubt an AWESOME mask
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

that is pretty bad ass, man!!! looks great.

how did you mount the eagle and the shoulder pad??
Re: Jude Dredd - Comic version / Judge Minty version

More info, followed by more pictures.

I'm calling this outfit the "Minty Deluxe" since it's basically one of the Judge Minty costumes with a few of my embellishments.

First, I wanted a zipper pull like Dredd usually has in the comics, meaning a big chunky pyramid-shaped one. Since I couldn't find one like that for sale anywhere I decided to make one myself.
Metal fabrication is not one of my areas of ability to so I did it like this: I took a strap hinge, drilled an extra hole in it, cut it off with a hacksaw, and then painted it.
View attachment 55778View attachment 55779
While I was at it, I made a few extra:
View attachment 55780
I used rub n' buff, both gold and European gold. And I also changed the plastic chain to a real chain, using a couple of "repair links" to connect to the badge and the zipper.
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Here is the finished zipper on the jacket (I replaced the zipper pull with one that's a universal pull, size #5, and it had the type of connecter where you can put a new pull onto it and then clamp it down with pliers - if that makes sense.)
View attachment 55784

And here is one of my zippers next to a #10 size zipper (the largest one I could find available anywhere and my backup until I made my own) just so you can get a size of scale and shape:
View attachment 55781

Here is the belt and holster. This is the same as the Judge Minty version except for the fact that I've added a holder for the billy club (or "day stick" as it's known in the comics). I took Mr. Bungle's idea and used a bayonet holder aka bayonet frog for this. But rather than buy one I had one made that is purpose built for the club.:
View attachment 55783
One more thing I still need to do is round off the flat end of this club, since that's usually the way the comic one is drawn.
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