Judge Dredd 'Comic style' costume for Judge Minty Project


Sr Member
After much behind the scenes labour I have finally finished the first stage of the Judges costume for our fan film Judge Minty.
The Head Of Projects Steven Sterlacchini went up to Hi-Ex! comic con in Scotland last weekend, and booked a model to be our Minty.
Seening as its the first time the costume has been together, I am very happy with the first outing, especially as it wasnt built to his sizes.
Its fibreglass, with a sculpted eagle and shoulder/elbow pads. I cast these sculpts in flexible eurathane and then painted gold etc.
I was careful to keep it realistic but not lean to one particular style of illustrator.
The background images are care of our CG guy Steve Green, and comp'd in.


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Saw Judge Minty at Hi-Ex this weekend when I was through trooping with the UKG - we were all very impressed. Great work on the costume - it's a really nice interpretation. :):thumbsup

Really does look top-notch. Fantastic work and love the processed pictures. Can't wait to see more :)
If I remember right Dan has made them out of two pairs of different gloves, plus pouches, then painted green, with added scratch built emblems for the finishing touch.

Would Dan be willing to share the source of the gloves and pouches he used?
Good lord Dan, thats perfect... and that guys face... incredible character.

The actor/model is Harry T. Docherty. We hired him for the day. He did a really good job.

Would Dan be willing to share the source of the gloves and pouches he used?

This is the place we got the main body of the glove from.

To make things overly complicated the glove pouches came from the department store 'El Corte Ingles' in Barcelona. I think they have them on their website, but I don't think they ship internationally?

I'm not 100% about the rest of the glove. Though I think Dan used a special vinyl paint. The emblems really set them off.

The belt and belt pouches came from a company called Britkit Direct, again painted with emblems added.

The leathers are bespoke.

Absolutely everything else is scratch built by Dan. Helmet, pads, armour, lawgiver, badges - amazing work.

What I love about Dan's work, is how he has managed to make it look believable. The design, build quality and proportions are key.

The model said it was very comfortable, he even had his lunch whilst wearing it. Plus he was nice and warm when we did the snapshots, I was freezing.
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The actor/model is Harry T. Docherty. We hired him for the day. He did a really good job.

This is the place we got the main body of the glove from.

To make things overly complicated the glove pouches came from the department store 'El Corte Ingles' in Barcelona. I think they have them on their website, but I don't think they ship internationally?

I'm not 100% about the rest of the glove. Though I think Dan used a special vinyl paint. The emblems really set them off.

The belt and belt pouches cam from a company called Britkit Direct, again painted with emblems added.

The leathers are bespoke.

Absolutely everything else is scratch built by Dan. Helmet, pads, armour, lawgiver, badges - amazing work.

What I love about Dan's work, is how he has managed to make it look believable. The design, build quality and proportions are key.

The model said it was very comfortable, he even had his lunch whilst wearing it. Plus he was nice and warm when we did the snapshots, I was freezing.

Thanks for sharing :thumbsup Indeed, amazing work a great translation from comic to real world aesthetics. Looking forward to seeing more of this.
Thanks for the comments people, its nice to know something can be well liked when everybody has their own expectations!
The 'other half' of the gloves are cut down 'jedi gauntlett/ LARP' gloves off ebay- fancy dress shops do them for £10. I cut off a section of wrist area from the main gloves and attahced a cut down gauntlett to each. I got my wife to stitch a new seam onto the edge (cheers babe!)
The 'sculpts' of the pads were made from basically MDF sheet layered up and styrene strips. The elbow/knee pads were originally made with vacformed neoprene and I reworked them before everything went into silicone.
I then used Smooth-on flexible eurethane to cast them, which was a pain as i needed far more thixo agent than they supply as a 'sample'.
We will tweak bits n bobs before shoot day Im sure ;-)
Very nice work indeed , i prefer the darker green on the soft parts and boots etc its much more real world:thumbsup How did you attach the eagle and shoulder to the costume?
We were looking at adapting riot gear and webbing strapping, but it turned out that velcro works ten times better. The pads are quite difficult to get off even when trying to remove the costume.
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Great work on the costume,

not a massive lover of the comic version myself but what you have achieved there looks fantastic.

hats off to you
Couldn't resist putting this image together.

We took the costume into the studio for some test shots. A Minty aged model was unavailable for the session, so we decided to shoot a younger character.

Just love it.....I used to work at Titan Books and worked on a lot of Dredd stuff...what you are doing is a dream come true!...Keep it up!