Jayne`s belt pouches? What are they?

Jodo Kast 3

Sr Member
I have not seen anywhere a good reference pic of the pouches he wears on his gunbelt.

Anybody have a decent pic of them?

Am I to interpret this as JK3 is making a Jane costume?

If we get some decent pics I might be able to help ID-ing them. Wait. Maybe I'll peruse the DVD.

Thats the problem. You only briefly see them in any of the episodes. I was hoping somebody had the Serenity Visual Reference guide.

Still looking..
Quick viewing of a few Eps I remembered everyone geared up in turned up a couple of grabs. They look like pretty common army surplus pouches. Perhaps some of our military experienced members could shed some light.

Anyway.. Here's the pics. Hope they help.
Are you after the TV series version, or the movie version? As there are differences between both.

The Serenity Visual Companion hasn't got any decent pictures of Jayne in it, and unfortunately my copy of the DVD is on loan at the moment. I'm fairly sure you get some good shots of Jayne's utility belt in the scene where he's drinking just before he goes to shoot River.

The Firefly Visual Companion Volume 1 also lacks material on Jayne, though that's promised in the second volume next year. As for specific episodes, no idea. You'll just have to watch them again :thumbsup

Be seeing you,

Magnus Darcrider
The big square pouch appears to be one of the british 58 pattern webbing pouches. They are a very heavy canvas with that fastening style.
I think we (the US) also used that closure for a while. I have a US-marked M14 magazine pouch that closes that way.

From the size and shape, it looks like an early VietNam era 20-round M16 magazine pouch.

The black one looks like a cheap Maglite pouch.
JK3, you're in luck. I actually have one of the large pouches, you can have it.

The smaller one looks like a pocket knife / leatherman holster.
Edit - nevermind, my guess is likely nowhere close.

Need a much better image capture.
Name an episode and an approximate time hack and I can hit my own DVDs and see if I can capture anything better.