Jack's coat in An American Werwolf in London


New Member
Does anyone know what kind of coat Jack (Griffin Dunne) wears in An American Werwolf in London?

Also, if you do know, where can I find one?



I think what you're after there is what's known as a Down jacket, due to the material it's insulated with. I think most outdoor clothiers carry a range of them. The only problem I could see is tracking down an 80's style one, may have to go with one thats close enough in the right colour.
Good luck.
It might be a far fetch but your best bet might be asking him.

Griffin Dunne said in an interview that he kept wearing that very jacket for years and years as a regular jacket after the filmed wrapped. He might even have it in his closet for old times sake.
So if you want to trace down the exact manufacturer etc. try to find Griffin Dunne at a convention or anywhere and ask him.

Of course, there is also the more reasonable choice of looking through catalogues and clothing stores for endless hours.

If you just want something similar try googeling "olive down jacket" you will probably find a similar jacket pretty soon.

I'm not that familiar with the details of the jacket but a Browning Goose Down Jacket looks similar:


Hope that helps ;)

Griffin Dunne said in an interview that he kept wearing that very jacket for years and years as a regular jacket after the filmed wrapped. He might even have it in his closet for old times sake.

:lol On the commentary of the movie I think he also said he still uses the backpack too! :lol
I think what you're after there is what's known as a Down jacket, due to the material it's insulated with. I think most outdoor clothiers carry a range of them. The only problem I could see is tracking down an 80's style one, may have to go with one thats close enough in the right colour.
Good luck.
Yep, regular old run-of-the-mill goose-down jacket. They were very popular in the early 80s and, as such, there were a lot of varieties and colors available then, so finding an exact match might be difficult. If you can use a close-enough jacket, the one in the link TheRoman posted looks pretty darn close.