Is this the real deal? (ST:TNG/DS9)

Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,

so I got this vintage cassette case delivered just today from eBay! :)

Can anybody tell me if this is the exact same model they used on TNG?

And also redressed in DS9:

It sure as hell looks a LOT like the real thing! Especially the close up from DS9 seems indistinguishable from my case. Any tells that suggest otherwise? Did they really redress the case they used on TNG for DS9? If so, I'm pretty sure I got the right thing. Just asking to be on the safe side... ;)

Also: Does somebody know if these were available in grey at that time or if they used black ones and repainted them? By the way it even has metal hinges, which I never would have expected. Very cool and durable!

Thanks for all comments!
It's the same one (wrong color) as the one used in TNG, but not the same as the one in DS9 - the sliding latches are slightly different on the DS9 one.

I have one just like that, but molded in grey - supposedly it's screen-used but I haven't been able to get confirmation of that. The dividers were cut out of mine and there is residue of something being glued inside (foam or sound-deadening material? I don't know)...
It would have been much easier with a side by side shot... but yeah... sorry to say the latches are slightly different. It's very similar though.
Hi Guys,
The case you have does not match the one in the photos , But I do know that we did use both the stuby latch as well as the long latch. There were may companys who made this case with slite ver. in the styling of the details. In many cases (no pun) some of these cases came from a thrift store. Just like some of the other cases like the "Sony" camcorder cases or the "Ampex" cases. You name it and we used it. Most of the interiors of the cases were made of foam, In some cases we would also make a black plexy cover so we could have graphics on the inside of the case.

Hope this helps,

HMS Mike
Paging Vardeman... Guy Vardeman to the white courtesy telephone. :cool
Female announcer: Captain Oveur, white courtesy phone. Captain Clarence Oveur, white courtesy phone.
Female announcer: [Oveur picks up the red phone] No, the white phone.
Female announcer: Captain Oveur, white courtesy phone. Captain Clarence Oveur, white courtesy phone.
Captain Oveur: [to announcer] I GOT IT!

sorry couldnt help myself
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Thanks for the input guys, some good info there!

However, I don't see the difference to the DS9 case yet. You're talking about the circled opening mechanism, right?

And you're saying that the latches are too big on my case? Is it possible that it only seems this way because there are stripes on the DS9 shot (arrows) that make it look like it was narrower?

Which dimension is exactly different?

I can't help myself but to me they look absolutely identical. Please make me see the difference if you can. :angel

@HMS Mike: Thanks for your comment! So, you're saying that my case doesn't match the photos. Do you refer to the TNG or the DS9 screenshots there or both?

@LZeitgeist: I'd love to see your case. Wanna upload some photos? ;) Some detail shots would be very helpful!
Also, you can take these, glue them into the open position, and have authentic access panels to hang on your wall! :D

Is it possible that it only seems this way because there are stripes on the DS9 shot (arrows) that make it look like it was narrower?
To someone not familiar with the minutiae of the cases, they look about the same to me, with the only differences being the perspective and the detailing in the DS9 shot.

Would it be possible to take a photo of yours from roughly the same angle with similar lighting? It might help make any similarities or differences more clear.

Nice find! :thumbsup
Here you go, that's as close as I could get:


The overlay is not perfect, but I don't see any major difference on the latches. What am I missing?

Any other/more thoughts on this?

Accurate to TNG?

[ ] Dead On
[ ] Close but no cigar
[ ] Nope, totally wrong

Accurate to DS9?

[ ] Definitely. The angle obscured it
[ ] Looks like it, I'm not sure
[ ] The latch is wrong and I'll explain why...


(By the way, it was quite a challenge to get this animation to "weigh in" under 1 MB and keep the details visible - more or less...)
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The DS9 latches appear to have a molded line along each side of the indented 'box' - the TNG latches are smooth exactly like yours.

The lines could be painted lines, but with the lighting at that angle, they appear to be three-dimentional molding indents to my eye.

I'll try to locate it in the attic and find pic hosting for a few pics - since HMS Mike is here, it'd be great to have his input as well to possibly authenticate it.
That looks pretty damn close. I think the gaffers tape may be throwing some folks off. You know, my brother has one of these in gray, he used to store porn in it. Or so I heard...
The DS9 latches appear to have a molded line along each side of the indented 'box' - the TNG latches are smooth exactly like yours.

The lines could be painted lines, but with the lighting at that angle, they appear to be three-dimentional molding indents to my eye.

So, here are some more screenshots from the DS9 scene. The case is moving, different angles and different lighting is happening. The lines look like decoration to me, what do you guys think?


I'll try to locate it in the attic and find pic hosting for a few pics - since HMS Mike is here, it'd be great to have his input as well to possibly authenticate it.
Cool, I'm looking forward to it! :)
Hi Andreas,

the cases are looking identical to me. Different lighting, color and angle might look them more different than they really are.

Very nice find.

So, here are some more screenshots from the DS9 scene. The case is moving, different angles and different lighting is happening. The lines look like decoration to me, what do you guys think?

Actually, yes, I could see how those narrow dark lines just outside the indented 'boxes' on the latches *could* be striping instead of molding...
Hi Guys,
As I said before. The case is correct as are the other styles of the same case.
Add your detailing and be happy, you have the right case.

HMS Mike
Thanks for the input, everybody! I've been looking forever to get one of these so I just wanted to be sure to have the right thing.

Now, where can I get one of those Sony and Ampex cases? ;) How do they look like anyways? Is this one of them?
