Is there any Secret of Monkey Island Props?


Well-Known Member
I don´t know if it´s correct to post something refered to videogames here , if not , please sorry and moderators do what is correct with this post...
I wonder if someone did props of this videogame , and in case not , please ideas to make...(photo references are wellcome)
I think a good ones are:
Voodoo dolls (LeChuck and Guybrush)
Rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle...

Little Voodoo statue on monkey island
shrunken head
root beer

I think the HD version are perfect for some screenshots...
uh okay so can't we make an animatronic murray? one servo to move the jaw, power, and sound
GREAT idea!!! Loved the original game on the pc back than.

Here's all I could find...





Hey guys , thanks for the ideas...
I ´ll like to make something that could pass as something "real"... I mean... a rubber chicken with a pulley is a very subrealistic thing to be real...XD
One of the most recognizable props for sure would be Guybrush voodoo doll as it is in the packaging of videogame.It has a nice voodoo needles with skulls punched on.´
Maps are a very good ones too.
I´ll love to get murray ( a simple plastic skull repainted could be a nice prop to be displayed along with other items.)
I dont remember the Little voodoo statue .... anyone has a screencap or a source to get images of these "prop-able" items?
Root beer and a bottle of infamous GROG will be very nice too!
The statue was a mall one, looks like a flat piece of wood with a face...

Here is the classic receipt to monkey island


The new one looks better.

I like the idea of props from MI. I dont remember Part 3 and 4, so I dont know if there are any props...

I throw a quick list together with all props (or what would be nice for a prop):


- Yellow flower
- I found the hidden Treasure of Melee Island T-Shirt
- I beat Sword Master T-Shirt
- Grog-O-Mint
- Grog
- Guybrush's Sword maybe?!?
- Rubber Chicken
- Map (Dancing Steps)
- Stan's Business Card
- Receipt notice
- Idol of Gov. Marley
- Voodoo statue
- Giant Q-Tip
- Head of Navigator
- Root
- Root Beer
- Map pf Melee Island


- Largo LaGrande Doll
- Guybrush Doll
- LeChuck Doll
- Voodoo Pins
- 4 Map pieces
- Dread's Map
- Wanted Flyer (Guybrush/Kate)
- Books from Phatt Libary
- Map of Booty, Scabb and Phatt
- Stan's napskin
- Stan's cemetery key
- Ash-to-Life
- Spit Plaque
- Gov. Marley Invitation
- Song Letter (from guybrushs parents)
- Scabb Island Drinks with Straw
- Cracker
- Big Whoop Theme Part Admit one
- Lechuck's Beard

Thats all what I know so far... Anyway, Im very interested in Props, lets see what we can do... :)

I can take some screenshots next week, Im not at home at the moment...
But this is an interesting project...
I have the Secret of Monkey Island Hint book from when i was a kid, it has a red and white picture of Maylee Island and the two pirate Ships, if anyone is interested i can post them in the paper prop thread, i also have the original round paper keys that came with monkey island 1 and 2 IBM game ....
This is a fun idea. Those old adventure games are full of items that'd be cool to see realized in the real world.

I was going to put together a MI2 Guybrush costume for DC this year but had to bump it back to next year. It's going to include a few of the props including the rubber chicken with the pulley in the middle, the giant q-tip, LeChuck's still-living beard, and a few others. I also made my sister a pair of the t-shirts from the first game way back, but don't seem to have any pictures of those anywhere.
I have put the the Monkey Island papper's in the papper prop thread, but when I went to up load the map and keys, imageShack said the files wrere to big I dont know how to get around this any suggestions?