Iron-on lettering for fabric?


Sr Member
I need some quick lettering for my Dharma jumpsuit for Halloween. I am not going for screen accurate, just something that will pass muster at a Halloween party.

Does anyone know if there is iron on letters or embroidered letters available out there that I could quickly stitch onto the jumpsuit I have?
Yep, Michael's has 'em. Or, I found a better assortment at Jo-Ann Fabrics. Of course that may vary depending upon location.
If that don't work you could always do what I did for my backup Joker attire. Got a jumpsuit printed stencils out then went over them with a sharpie. Very cheap and worked in a pinch.
As someone else said, I don't know about the selection of fonts (or what you'd even need), but even Wally-World carries iron-on letters. My daughters used them last year to decorate shirts for cheerleading. :)

Very cool, thanks everyone. I thought about hte sharpie method actually, but decided againts it as I do want to get this sucker embroidered propperly some day. A few stitches in some iron on letters could serve as a good place holder for this Halloween.

I suppose I could get some black felt and cut letters out of the right font/size and sew them on...