Iron Man bueprints


Well-Known Member
**Mods feel free to move to correct area if posted in the wrong one**

I purchased these great Iron man blueprints from the one and only kurtyboy, and am now looking for the BEST way to display them. I was thinking of designing my own lightbox of some discription, what do you guys think?

I was thinking of using battery operated LEDs with a switch outside of the lightbox. Would LEDs be the right type of lighting for it?

Anyway if Kurtyboy allows (I'll contact him later) I'll post some pics on sunday.

Let me know what you guys think, also if anyone else has already displayed there's I would love to see it.
the lightbox is a great idea. I have a few X-rays from ER and other shows autographed that I want to make a wall hanging light box frame to see what you come up with
I framed mine in a see through frame. Even with minimal light reflected off the wall behind it, the bottom layers come through fine.
Yeah I thought they probably would. Was thinking of maybe mild smoked glass, so when you flicks a switch it really stood out...
i'm slowly drawing my own version of the blueprints and had the same problem of how to display them, i myself am going to apply the same system as a laptop back light, bright LED(s) reflected on a aluminium backing....

mostly due to the fact i have a crappy laptop that for once in its lowly life is gonna do something bloody useful
lol like i say dude....slow matt is slow/ although schools out so no work for me for 5 weeks, woop....lack of materials to steal, boo

also got a wolverine based paper prop to post up when i stop being a lazy *explative deleted*