Iron Man Articulation


New Member
Anyone have any good ideas as how to articulate the inner elbow portion or the abs? I mean like between the bicep and forearm there is a space. Anyone know how to articulate that?

In addition, anyone have anything for the fingers or wrist or any other place where there needs articulation? For reference, I'm talking about the parts on the armor that have like multiple plates.
Re: Iron Man Atriculation

BaronVonReicher suggested using compression articulation on the inside, and shell articulation on the outside. he used this link as an example: Armour by Carmel Emanuel Abela

for the fingers, there is a video here: MakingOf - Movies - Iron Man 2 - Legacy Studios "Iron Man 2" Suit Tour

the video shows us that the movie glove uses wires such as guitar strings in the upper corners of each finger piece to hold them together.

I would also use the compression articulation method with the abs.
Re: Iron Man Atriculation

BaronVonReicher suggested using compression articulation on the inside, and shell articulation on the outside. he used this link as an example: Armour by Carmel Emanuel Abela

for the fingers, there is a video here: MakingOf - Movies - Iron Man 2 - Legacy Studios "Iron Man 2" Suit Tour

the video shows us that the movie glove uses wires such as guitar strings in the upper corners of each finger piece to hold them together.

I would also use the compression articulation method with the abs.

any ideas where i can learn about shell articulation?

And that would be good for say, knees, ankles and feet, and shoulders maybe?