Iron Man Armor - Looking to get started


New Member
Hey, I've been looking around and I can't seem to find any Ironman Mark VI full suit pepakaura files. I was looking to get an early start for this Halloween. If anyone can point me in the right direction or find some links it would be a great help.
No one has finished one yet. Pep models are not made by magic, they are made by very hard working modelers, so give them some time and they won't disappoint.

Sharkhead, over at the 405th, is currently working on a really accurate Mark VI. The chest should be released in the next few days, with more pieces coming as he finishes them.

However, I must say, if this is your first pep project, get your feet wet now while you wait for the files to be released. Download one of the many great Iron Man helmet models and figure out what's what with pep. If you're new to pep, chances are you'll need to practice and scrap some models before you're ready to make a whole suit, so they might as well use them as a learning experience while you wait for the Mark VI files to be released.

I've looked a bit over there I'll have to ask around. This isn't my first project I did a Halo Spartan suit and CQB helm 2 years ago. Here is an old pic boots weren't done yet. (Sorry wasn't sure how to rescale it.)
