Imperial Knight Softparts.


Sr Member
I plan to make the softparts to the Imperial Knight.
Is there any intrest in this.

If enought people are intrested i can make them in leather but my plans are to make them in leather imitation of high quality as used in cars and furniture. It looks exactly the same, but is more cost efficient.

Bodysuit, cape and boots.

Also i was wondering if there is intrest in me making the armor in leather?

yes all the red armor you could see is a hard armor but TMP means the undersuit which is very near to a Vader undersuit with some litle changes.
I´m also in the progress to make an Imperial night and so I would use TMP´s 3 piece Vader leather suit because the pants and underjacket would work absoluty fine. Only I have to change the upper jacket to another one with a turtle neck and tabbards on than my soft parts would be ready to go.

Greetings Guido
TMP, is refering to this portion (I believe).
