I Need Info on an FX Company Snowspeeder

Boba Debt

Master Member
I have a studio scale snowspeeder built by "The FX Studio".

I bought it a long time ago and it is numbered 2 of 10 but I don’t think they made all 10

Does anyone have any info on the following
  1. Did they make all 10
  2. Is it truely studio scale
  3. Is it fairly accurate
  4. It's current value
Any help would be appreciated


Accuracy wise, its quite a way off buddy, tiny pic, but it looks like no donor research was carried out at all.
Mind you, until the better ref came about, the speeder was a nightmare to ID.


Just to add, the dims look more Pyro based, which were the larger models, but the engine/gun assemblies are way off.
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