How to F'up a perfectly good styrene master.


Sr Member
Recently I seem to have to make two of everything as I keep FUBARing perfectly good sculpts.

I read the instructions on the clay I used to make the indented numbers on my Outland Marshall badge which said 'bake in an oven set to 130 Degrees C for 10 minutes per 6mm, I dutifully did this, carefully preheating our fan oven.

About a minute after putting the styrene and clay model in the oven I suddenly thought 'hang on a minute, styrene will probably melt at that temperature'.

And lo........ clay parts even had the audacity to fall off when I removed 'Mr. Wobbly' here.


Attempt 2 which will be freaking air dried

Why not just use this stuff, and not futz with an oven at all?

It's seriously the most amazing A/B putty EVER. Cleans with water (smooth the sculpt with water, too), smells nutty (like it would be delicious), is apparently non-toxic (but who wants to take a chance), dries ROCK hard with ZERO shrinkage (can be tapped, drilled, sanded to a glass-smooth finish)... it WILL replace all your old putties. I even sent some to Japan, for Kow Yokoyama to test drive.
That looks useful :)

I usually use Milliput for jobs like this, it was only today I decided to try out this new stuff :(