HMS ST:TOS Communicator repair questions!


Sr Member
Here is kit 50 from
it is fitted with their electronics, but I do have a question about the jewels.

I had the electronics installed years ago and the body to look like the new beta communicator that was found at the time.

I emailed hms and asked for a new bezel, but it doesnt match what is already on it. I know the knobs are tjet hubs??? are the bezels just flipped upside down and the jewel glued in?

also when the batteries get low does the comm beep at weird times when opening? or do i need to adjust the electronics inside. (i have never attempted that)

so if you can point me in the direction of where to get a new mount and red jewel please lmk.
That looks like it may be one that I built (I was using those custom moire rings for a while, they are much smaller than the one that came with the kit). If it is one of the ones I built those are just t-jet hubs flipped up side down (I have a bunch of those around here somewhere, I can probably just glue a red jewel to a hub and mail it to you if you want). Did you try putting in a new set of batteries just to rule that out?
yes you did build this one phez. im on the lookout for another tjet hub now, and im going to try the batteries tommorrow once i cash my check :)

btw, you did a great job
Can you tell if the t-jet hub is the type that is just flat under the jewels or if it has the little raised bump. I used the flat ones for a while and I want to make sure I send the one that matches the other two. Send me a PM and I will will get a replacement hub and jewel in the mail.