Hey, a new foam armor iron man. Imagine that.


New Member
Hello. I'm a long time lurker, and I actually decided to make an iron man suit. I weighed my options and my wallet and ended up deciding on foam.

So, I'm doing a war machine type of iron man. It's sort of an "this kind of works, I'll do that" artistic interpretation.

My question is that how should I go about filling out the sides and bulking out the front. I know it looks kind of crappy, but this is more or less of a "test" sort of time killer.

So, if anyone could help me out, that would be awesome.





Part of me wants to finish it. But part of me wants to start all over again and plan better. Ahhhh decisions decisions.
Whoa. Seeing James' site made me want to throw away the foam and never even try again. Hahaha. I'm just kind of freestyling the whole thing. I wish I'd have taken more pictures.
NOOOOOOOO dont be put off, James does this for a living, heres a pic of my first Iron man, hopefully you will see its sooo bad, it may balance you against seeing James'

Im glad to say Im a bit better now
So what's the verdict? Finishing or starting over?
My first and only attempt thus far was craft foam was only so so, and I would love to hear any pointers folks have.