HEROES " Activating Evolution Book"


Well-Known Member
Heya Guys, like before, ill ask if anyone can make some decent quality screencaps from the book Activating Evolution from the TV show HEROES".

Ill make the prop, and share it with all via email and pm like with the superman prop.

Well, thank you for your help.


I took a few shots of it and I'll post more when I search the episodes again. (This was from Episode 4)





THis are perfect, I will start working on it this weekend, the only thing that we should get its the info under Chandras name.

But anyway, excellent job, thank you, and as soon as it is done ill send you the file.



I am very looking forward to this. My wife was looking over my shoulder, and she thinks it's very cool.

I want to leave it on my bookshelf at work, and see who notices. :)

PM sent with some larger screencaps. The text is marginally readable in that episode. If someone can direct me to another specific episode, I might be able to get more details and we can piece together that text.
You guys ever catch the change of pics on the back cover? The first episode or so showed him on there and then in a later episode they showed someone else that had a long beard and hair. I was thinking that this actor pulled out of the show so they replaced him but then it was back on a later episode along with him doing some scenes.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stampedemag @ Feb 26 2007, 10:41 AM) [snapback]1426865[/snapback]</div>
You guys ever catch the change of pics on the back cover? The first episode or so showed him on there and then in a later episode they showed someone else that had a long beard and hair. I was thinking that this actor pulled out of the show so they replaced him but then it was back on a later episode along with him doing some scenes.

Not only that pal, if you check the pilot again, when mohinder check his pic with his dad at his prom, the actor was the beard guy from the other back cover.


I am actually working on the first version myself. Far from completed though, here is my progress:

BTW, the font isnt screen acurate, but very close, the font used on the original prop is called "GarageGothic Regular"(I think) so if anyone has that font lying around, please send it to me so that I can get the book screen acurate.

Did someone ever find out what it says on the back? I cant find any pics with clear enough text, not even the HD caps...
Looks like you cloned the right side of that photo.

The Bird logo, at least on the 2nd cover is in a black circle.

Are your screencaps from the first ep?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Talisen @ Mar 2 2007, 07:08 PM) [snapback]1430093[/snapback]</div>
Looks like you cloned the right side of that photo.

The Bird logo, at least on the 2nd cover is in a black circle.

Are your screencaps from the first ep?

Yeah, used some cloning on the wall, will fix it up. Same goes for distortion, I'm gonna play with perpective some more when the book is nearing completion.

On closer inspection of the HD Caps it actuallt looks like the bird is in a circle. Thanks for pointing that out, it will be an easy fix :)

I think most of the screencaps I used are from the third episode.

starfighter66, thanks, I'm a little short on cash right now though, but I'll probably buy it eventually...
Are you guys going to be offering these covers or posting printable files in the paper props thread?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Gundrosen @ Mar 2 2007, 10:37 AM) [snapback]1430066[/snapback]</div>
BTW, the font isnt screen acurate, but very close, the font used on the original prop is called "GarageGothic Regular"(I think) so if anyone has that font lying around, please send it to me so that I can get the book screen acurate.

That looks like one of my favorite fonts of all time: Akzidenz Grotesk BE Light Condensed. You can see it in action here: http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/berthold/akzidenz-grotesk-bq/

Unfortunately, it's kinda pricey and I'm not sure the version I have travels well since I got it from a friend of mine. :confused
I've got a friend who runs a print on demand book company. And if you like I can give you his contact info so that we can get these printed and bound. Just drop me a PM if you're interested.

They have the introduction to the book on that website. It would be interesting to have that be the first few pages of the book mock-up.
Hey with Heroes season 1 coming to a close it couple of weeks i was wondering if you've made any progress